Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 143: Who is the billion bride?

Wang Kai had never dared to publicize the matter of Chu Yichen getting married before, because Chu Yichen had reminded him. But this time, Jin Feng did not receive Chu Yichen's reminder, so within three days, almost all the upper-class financial circles in City B knew the news.

Jinfeng released the news in order to see which company would respond, and by the way, to know who the target of the marriage with Fengyang Group is. But what I didn't expect was that no one stood up for so many days.

Chu Yichen's phone call hasn't stopped in the past few days. Even people in the United States already know about his marriage. In the end, annoyed by the phone call, he simply turned off a cell phone to find himself clean.

"Chu Yichen, can you do it! Answer the phone!"

Chu Xiaoxi walked in frantically and threw his phone at him. Chu Yichen lowered his head to see that it was from the United States, and he hung up without saying a word.

"What are you going to do now?" Chu Xiaoxi asked with her arms folded, looking at Chu Yichen who was calm and composed.

"What should I do?" Chu Yichen asked in confusion.

"Which in the whole city B doesn't know that you are married? Mom just asked me if you got a man to marry! I guess if you don't have a showdown with her, she will be able to come back to check your old bottom in two days!"

"Know it, wait until she comes back."

Chu Yichen looked indifferent and continued to look down at the news on the pad.

He doesn't want to let others know that the person who married him is Gu Xiaoxiao so quickly does not mean that he does not want others to know that he is married. Now that Gu Xiaoxiao is not in the country, it's okay to spread the news, he will be a master in the future.

United States.

Gu Xiaoxiao had been running around in the heavy snow for a day, tired and slumped on the bed watching the news.

China’s mysterious wealthy businessman accidentally gets married. Who is the billionaire bride?

When Gu Xiaoxiao was looking drowsy, a piece of news caught her attention. After all, in the United States, there are still very few opportunities to see this kind of domestic news.

Sitting up, she hugged the pillow, listening to the host's announcement with a look of gossip.

The heir of the Fengyang Group admitted today that he was indeed married. However, it did not disclose who the marriage partner is. Who is the billion-dollar bride that has attracted everyone's attention? No media news has made any reports.

The male host is telling the glorious history of Fengyang Group in English with a cheerful tone and smooth speaking speed. Incidentally, a few Bai Fumei candidates who are very likely to be the wife of the president of Fengyang Group were selected.

Gu Xiaoxiao watched for a while, and when the news was over, he quickly picked up the phone and sent a message to Chu Xiaoxi.

"Our big boss is married? Why did he marry him as soon as my front foot was gone! Who is it, do you know?"

On this end of the phone, Chu Xiaoxi was holding the phone and looking at the screen, with a face of lovelessness. With a heavy sigh, she threw the phone to Chu Yichen again.

"Your wife, coax yourself to play, I am hungry and go out to buy food."

After Chu Xiaoxi left, Chu Yichen sat on the sofa, chatting with the person on the other end of the phone with his lips raised.

"I don't know, wait until I find out the news to tell you."

"Okay! This arduous task is up to you!" Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, not forgetting to add a fisted expression at the back.

Just when Chu Yichen smiled bitterly and wondered how to reply to her message, she suddenly said again.

"My dear, I'm asleep, I love you so much."

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