Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 147: Rational use of resources

Gu Xiaoxiao tried her best to maintain a cheerful tone, until Chu Yichen hung up the phone, she wilted like an eggplant that Shuang beat.

Touching her forehead, she smiled. Raise your arms and kick your legs, take a deep breath and continue to work.

In a blink of an eye, Gu Xiaoxiao has been in the United States for three weeks. And her cold was cured with her daily boiled water treatment, but the price paid was a few catties of meat.

A phone call from Roye called Gu Xiaoxiao out of the warm room. It was cold and freezing outside. It was the first time that Gu Xiaoxiao experienced such a cold winter, and it was also the first time to see heavy snow that could accumulate on his thighs.

When he arrived at what Roye said, Gu Xiaoxiao looked up. This is the branch of Fengyang Group in the United States. Although the office building does not seem to be luxurious in China, it has an indescribable sense of comfort.

Roye said that a partner wanted to meet her and talk about cooperation on a new project. Gu Xiaoxiao shouldn't be responsible for this work, but now she is the only one in the project team, so she had to bite the bullet.

Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao again, Roye's eyes widened.

"Wow~" He looked at Gu Xiaoxiao from head to head and stepped forward, "You are beautiful today."

Gu Xiaoxiao is thinner, her face is smaller and her eyes are bigger. Because it was a discussion, she naturally couldn't wear her fluffy sweater down jacket and snow boots. Pure white shirt, black professional wear high heels, and cashmere coat, elegant and capable. Gu Xiaoxiao was really cold, but she couldn't help it.

"Thank you." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled shyly. When Roye drove her to meet the client, her nerves were tense.

Because the new project has nothing to do with Roye's work at hand, he took Gu Xiaoxiao to meet each other, said hello and left.

Gu Xiaoxiao has been through a long test. For three hours, she felt that it was more stressful than any interview or exam she had. Fortunately, the other party seemed quite satisfied.

Shake hands friendly and say goodbye. Gu Xiaoxiao sent away the difficult middle-aged uncle, and after standing against the wall for a while, she smiled slowly.

Come to think of it, she is a student of a century-old school anyway. Although a fledgling, today's wave is not ashamed of the school.

After dinner with Roye, within an hour after returning to the hotel, Gu Xiaoxiao received a call from Chu Xiaoxi.

"Baby, we have received an email from Golden Company. I'll give you the contact information of other companies in a while. See you all these days."

"What?!" Gu Xiaoxiao jumped out of bed in surprise, "Ancestor, don't make trouble, what if I am not from the Ministry of Commerce and messed up?!"

"Isn't it not messed up? Anyway, your research work is almost done. The company uses resources effectively and rationally and does not waste other people's air tickets to the United States, so this job is arranged for you. . If you are not satisfied, come back and find the person above to let your anger go. It’s none of my business."

Chu Xiaoxi helped herself by the way, and after speaking a paragraph in one breath, she hung up the phone neatly and let out a long sigh of relief.

On the phone side, Gu Xiaoxiao had a big silly word on her face. Holding the phone in a daze for a long time, she fell on the bed and felt that the light in the room was dim.

Reasonable use of resources...

This resource of her is really easy to use... Isn't it a wild?

Worry or complain, no matter what, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't get rid of this job. So in the next week, she learned to raise her mouth perfectly without changing her face and heartbeat, to show people her most confident and outstanding side.

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