Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 148: GJ Italy Press Conference

Finally finished her work in the United States, Gu Xiaoxiao rushed to the United Kingdom eagerly. Because of the work experience in the United States, many things became easier after arriving in the United Kingdom.

Chu Xiaoxi took the time to go to Italy in the past few days, because the GJ fashion brand press conference she designed is about to be held here. This conference is also to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the GJ brand, so the scale is not small. And dozens of top models from all over the world have also attracted the attention of entertainment media from all over the world.

GJ, a world-renowned luxury brand that has swept the world, has been creating miracles of panic buying in the fashion industry year after year. I heard that a new wedding dream series has been added this year, so many people are looking forward to it.

Chu Xiaoxi was in the busy backstage, greeted the familiar model stylist and others. In fact, many people know who she is, including many high-level fashion magazines have met her. But knowing it or not is totally different from reporting it.

Just like in City B, many people know the president of Fengyang Group, Chu Yichen. He even knew where he had a villa and a garage.

The paparazzi is omnipotent, but no magazine studio dared to be the first to eat crabs and be the first to fully report on Chu Yichen's personal information. This is an unwritten rule in the industry, because some people really cannot afford it.

It was almost time, Chu Xiaoxi was holding a cup of hot coffee, standing in the corner looking at everything in front of him, then remembering something, and walking out.

Jin Jing got two invitation coupons before, and Chu Xiaoxi believed that she would not miss this opportunity and would definitely come to Italy because she hadn't had such an opportunity in the previous years.

"Boss, what are you doing out?"

"Don't bother me, find someone." Chu Xiaoxi pushed away the young man who was dangling in front of her, took off the cap from his head and buttoned it on his head. "I ask you, do you see a particularly ugly woman? Her hair reaches the shoulders and is about the same size as me?"

"Extremely ugly?" The boy was a little startled when asked, "How ugly is that?"

"Okay, you can go and I will find it myself."

Chu Xiaoxi thought for a while and gave up to continue to vilify Jin Jing. Because to be honest, although Jin Jing is not a stunning beauty, she is not as naturally beautiful as her Xiaoxiao. But because I was piled up with money since I was a child, I can dress well.

Moreover, if she just stood there, Chu Xiaoxi could barely admit that she had that kind of temperament. However, the premise of everything is that she does not speak. Chu Xiaoxi panicked at the thought of Jin Jing's stinky mouth.

Chu Xiaoxi called Gu Xiaoxiao, but Gu Xiaoxiao would rather run around as a coolie in the UK than waste time to meet Jin Jing in Italy, so today, Chu Xiaoxi had to fight alone.

After wasting some time, Chu Xiaoxi found Jin Jing. She came with Sun Shiwen today, and the two of them sat in the first row and looked very happy and excited.

Looking at them from a distance, Chu Xiaoxi snorted and smiled. Backstage, after all the models showed off the new clothes, she was the last one to slowly walk into people's sight.

This is the first time that Chu Xiaoxi has appeared in the public eye as a designer of the GJ brand, and many media have entered today, so it is also the first time she nodded in agreement, equating herself with GJ, and started One day to make a public appearance for GJ's official promotion.

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