Chu Yichen hadn't done anything to Zhang Peng some time ago, and he didn't even mention his name, which gave Zhang Peng a fluke. As everyone knows, Chu Yichen just wanted to see what stupid things he could do.

After the November Golden Week ended and Chu Yichen returned to market B, Fengyang Group's stock price gradually stabilized. As for whether it was because of Ryuqi Takukai's end, or because of what Chu Yichen did, no one knows this. But the company's current atmosphere is not right, and the company's senior directors know it well.

Ryugasaki Takumi had previously found out the share of equity that Chu Yichen had in his hands, but only recently did he discover that the data he found seemed to be somewhat different from the actual situation. This is the main reason why he has not been too late to make the next move.

Chu Yichen's deep concealment, including his initial "indifferent" to these things, and his calm and gentle handling, made many people who stared at him secretly feel that this is an opportunity. But after they made small moves one after another, they found that they seemed to have been caught by Chu Yichen's tail and got a handle. Zhang Peng is one of them.

Zhang Peng has already transferred half of his equity to Ryugasaki Takumi. The plunge of Fengyang Group some time ago made him really unhappy. And just when he had made up his mind to help Ryugasaki Takumi to change the ownership of the Fengyang Group, he suddenly realized that his other businesses had all suffered near-destructive losses. In just one month, he lost tens of millions of dollars. If this continues, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Who on earth is so clear about him. Who on earth can do this kind of thing quietly? He thought about it, I'm afraid Chu Yichen is the only one left.

After going to the company several times to find Chu Yichen, Zhang Peng finally got his wish and saw him.

At the temporary shareholder meeting, Gu Xiaoxiao was actually called over. Although she holds most of the company's stock, she didn't participate in such meetings before, and she couldn't figure out why Chu Yichen called herself over today.

Sitting in his seat, Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at the directors who seemed a little familiar, and patiently waited for Chu Yichen to appear. After waiting for about five minutes, he finally appeared one after another with Xu Ming.

After seated, Chu Yichen smiled lightly, seemingly relaxed. Gu Xiaoxiao frowned and felt something was wrong.

Because she knew Chu Yichen too well, she knew very well what his smile meant.

The tranquility before the storm...He is angry now.

"We are summoned temporarily because there is a more important thing to inform everyone."

Speaking coldly, Chu Yichen didn't mean anything, but went straight to the subject.

"During my absence in China, the company seems to have a little problem. As far as I know, in the past few months, someone has been secretly contacting you, wanting to buy your shares. There are many of you here. People should also be moved by the other party’s high prices and rhetoric. In fact, I have always known these things, but they are not on the stage. I want to see how many people say to the company. Is dissatisfied with the current situation and worried about the company’s future."

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