Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 151: I will never let you leave me again

Good or bad, Gu Xiaoxiao finally asked the doctor to borrow her mobile phone to make a call.

Lying on the bed, surrounded by several doctors, Gu Xiaoxiao felt an indescribable sense of embarrassment.

Pressing a familiar number, Gu Xiaoxiao waited anxiously, and the person on the other end of the phone did not disappoint her, and was picked up at the third ringing of the phone.

"Hello?!" Chu Xiaoxi's slightly flustered voice came into Gu Xiaoxiao's ears, making her heart warm and her nose sour.

"Xiao Xi, it's me." Gu Xiaoxiao said softly, "Something happened here. My phone broke, so I can't contact you temporarily. This is someone else's cell phone, and I can't talk to you too much. Don't worry, I am safe and nothing is wrong. I will call you when I am done, okay?"

In order to save time, Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking in one breath.

The moment Chu Xiaoxi heard Gu Xiaoxiao's voice, her heart hanging in the air finally fell to the ground. Holding the phone, she nodded in tears.

"Okay, you're fine. I'll wait for your call."

At the end of the call, Gu Xiaoxiao returned the phone to the doctor gratefully, said thank you, and was pushed into the operating room.

Fatigue, fear, pain.

After experiencing all this, Gu Xiaoxiao fell asleep after being given anesthetic.

She didn't know how long she had slept, but when she woke up, she was already in the ward, and there was a stranger in the room.

Is it the police? Gu Xiaoxiao subconsciously thought he was. Because she witnessed everything with her own eyes, including the looks of the murderer, and how the two people were shot and fell into a pool of blood...

"You're awake." When Gu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes, the man breathed a sigh of relief. Looking down at his watch, he continued, “I’m Yichen’s friend, and his plane should be coming soon. Someone from the police station will ask you some questions later. Don’t be afraid. If you don’t want to answer, just don’t answer. ."

Gu Xiaoxiao's attention was all focused on his sentence "His plane should be coming soon." She was stunned. She nodded and said, "Thank you for coming over to take care of me. I trouble you."

The man smiled indifferently, said "You should rest first", and then walked out of the ward.

Not long after he left, two policewomen came to see Gu Xiaoxiao. After making the transcript, they calmed Gu Xiaoxiao for a while before turning and leaving.

Gu Xiaoxiao felt exhausted after experiencing this kind of thing for the first time. Lying on the hospital bed, she looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, feeling like it was going to snow.

The ward was quiet, so when a sound of footsteps rang in the corridor, Gu Xiaoxiao heard it very clearly.

The footsteps stopped outside her room, and Gu Xiaoxiao turned her head and saw a face she had missed for a long time.

Chu Yichen walked to the bed with a solemn expression, looking at Gu Xiaoxiao's thin face, he began to regret his decision to let her out.

"The policemen who just came are not as scary as you." Gu Xiaoxiao looked up at him and smiled and said, "Is it happy to see me?"

Hearing Gu Xiaoxiao's voice, Chu Yichen's cold and frosty expression finally eased.

Slowly bending down, Chu Yichen kissed Gu Xiaoxiao on the forehead.

Suppressing infinite miss and anxiety, he opened his mouth hoarsely.

"I will never let you leave me in the future."

"I'm really okay, look, I'm not good here." Pulling at the corner of Chu Yichen's clothes, Gu Xiaoxiao pleased and said: "You smile, I haven't seen you smile for a long time. Up."

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