Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1603: Do you want to be my mother?

"I didn't mean to cry her...I want to play with her..."

While talking, Xiao Hansheng was also a bit wronged.

"Dye dye is relatively courageous. You can't make friends with her by doing this." Gu Xiaoxiao felt that he felt really good after touching his soft hair. "Moreover, Ranran listens more to what my brother said, so if you fight with Qianqian and the others, you won't be able to play with them."

Xiao Hansheng opened his mouth and started to be anxious again.

"They hit me first! I was not wrong!"

"Then do you want to play with them?"

She squatted her mouth and turned her gaze away, not looking at Gu Xiaoxiao's face or answering Gu Xiaoxiao's words.

Gu Xiaoxiao chuckled and couldn't help but laugh.

The world of children is so innocent and beautiful, one by one, almost like little angels.

Reaching out and squeezing his cheek, Xiao Hansheng was startled by Gu Xiaoxiao's behavior. Seeing Xiao Hansheng's dodging posture, Gu Xiaoxiao's heart trembled.

This often beaten at home?

"Go with Auntie and apologize to Ranran. She is more afraid of you now, so you have to say it. Then you can play with them in the future."

"Really?" With bright eyes, Xiao Hansheng said suspiciously, "Just apologize? Don't you want to find my father?"

"Why am I looking for your father?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked helplessly, "Little guy, did you often fight with others before being asked for a parent?"

Xiao Hansheng nodded happily, and he was relieved after he was sure that Gu Xiaoxiao would not look for his father.

It’s nice not to find dad...

"You look good, do you want to be my mother?" Just when Gu Xiaoxiao was about to get up and take him over, his words almost made Gu Xiaoxiao flash back.

"You can't say that! How can Mom recognize it casually?"

Gu Xiaoxiao went to look at the direction Chu Muqian was in, and saw that the door was still tightly closed, and she was relieved.

If Chu Muqian heard the words just now, it would be really bad. It’s not enough to grab your sister, but you still want to grab your mother?

"I don't have a mother, you can be my mother. My father is also very good-looking and rich, so you won't suffer." Holding Gu Xiaoxiao's clothes corner, he repeated again firmly.

There is no mother. These words made Gu Xiaoxiao's heart still unstoppable pain.

Startled, Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head and refused. "No, your mother will be sad if she hears this. It's not that you don't have a mother. She is just not by your side. She went to work elsewhere and will come back."

"Forget it, don't lie to me. My mother is dead, I know."

This child is not easy to deceive. He easily exposed Gu Xiaoxiao's lies, lowered his head and stopped speaking.

After a moment of silence, Gu Xiaoxiao took him to see Chu Muran. Chu Muran was nestling in Chu Xiaoxi's arms, talking to her in a low voice. Seeing Xiao Hansheng's arrival, his expression immediately changed, and he leaned on Chu Xiaoxi's body again.

Xiao Hansheng looked at Gu Xiaoxiao, then at Chu Muran, and walked towards her. After walking in front of him, he spoke quietly.

"Sorry, I didn't hurt you on purpose."

Chu Muran blinked, not knowing how to respond. This was the first time this happened. No one had provoke her before and no one apologized to her.

She looked at Gu Xiaoxiao helplessly, not understanding what to say. Does it matter? but……

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