Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1604: Want to hear dad praise me

"Then you will bully me..." After thinking for a long time, Chu Muran came up with such a sentence.

"I didn't bully you! I want to play with you!"

Xiao Hansheng was really anxious, why did everyone think he was bullying her? He didn't!

"Then you go and tell my brother, I will play with you when my brother plays with you." After successfully transferring the problem to others, Chu Muran pouted and said squeamishly: "I listen to my brother."

"Then I will tell him, don't cry!" Xiao Hansheng nodded vigorously, without any hesitation. Turning around and running, he knew where Chu Muqian was. Before Gu Xiaoxiao had time to stop him, she ran to the room where Chu Muqian was located.

Chu Muqian was sitting on the table bored with his legs dangling, waiting for Gu Xiaoxiao to come back to find himself. Unexpectedly, it was such a person who was waiting.

Hostile to him, he jumped off the table, wondering if he wanted to fight again.

"Can you play with me in the future?" Xiao Hansheng panted a little as he ran a little faster. "I won't fight with you anymore, okay?"


The sudden gesture of good made Chu Muqian who was ready to fight another fight a little dazed.

"Why are you playing with us?" After thinking about it, Chu Muqian asked him with a frown. There are so many children in the kindergarten, why are they just looking at them.

"You are good-looking, I only play with good-looking people."

I have to say that his words really touched Chu Muqian's heart... Accepting his admiration without hesitation and comfortably, Chu Muqian snorted, and his eyes softened.

Gu Xiaoxiao lay nervously at the door, listening hard to the movement in the house. After listening for a long time, but didn't hear any strange movement, I felt relieved.

After a few minutes, the door opened. The two came out one after another, and it seemed that they had reconciled.

"Are the kids so interesting now?" Chu Xiaoxi asked jokingly. Fortunately, she came over today, otherwise she would have missed the fun again.

A few people stood together, spoke in a good voice, and pulled a little hand, and the whole matter was successfully resolved. Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at the time, considering whether to take the child home directly.


Just when Gu Xiaoxiao thought so, Chu Muqian ran to her and wanted to talk to her.

"Can you not tell Dad about today's matter?"

There are people who are afraid of the little kid, and Chu Muqian has not forgotten what he promised Chu Yichen in the morning.

"Don't worry, don't tell. And even if Dad knows, I won't blame you. You are a good brother, Dad will praise you."

"Really? He won't be angry?"

"of course not."

"Then tell Dad!"

Chu Muqian's face had an arrogant expression of "I want to hear my father praise me", Gu Xiaoxiao suppressed a smile and agreed to his request.

After a lot of toss, he took the child back home. The two children were hung up, it is not so easy to hide it from the family.

As soon as he got home, Chu Yunfei exploded when he saw the two of them like this.

This is the lifeblood of my heart. I don't want to swear loudly. Why is it hurt? Which little **** did you hit? !

Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi were already mentally prepared on their way back, but when they saw Chu Yunfei's furious look, they still felt guilty.

"Go, get him done." Pushing Gu Xiaoxiao, Chu Xiaoxi whispered.

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