Gu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide and looked at her incredulously.

Is this different from the two discussed on the way back?

Didn't you say that they coaxed together? Why did you push yourself out at the critical moment?

"Grandpa listens to you, hurry up, look, he is looking for someone's parent!"

"You are his granddaughter! You..."

"Oh, my dear is not as good as you~ Be good, go and go." Chu Xiaoxi quickly pushed Gu Xiaoxiao over, and quietly hid on the side, rubbing the ears that Chu Yunfei was so irritated by. Good show.

"Grandpa, you calm down. There is nothing wrong with the child, so don't make yourself angry." Gu Xiaoxiao took a breath and walked to Chu Yunfei's side and said with a flattering smile.

Chu Yunfei glanced at her and snorted coldly. "Have you gone there? Have you seen it?"

"Grandpa, don't you know how powerful Qianqian He Jianyi is." Gu Xiaoxiao changed the subject and answered the question. "The little boy wanted to play with Ranran, but was beaten by the two of them. Tsk tsk, the fight was terrible."

"Oh? Is it so powerful?"

Gu Xiaoxiao understood Chu Yunfei's psychology very well. For these children, he doesn't care if they fight outside or not, because he also knows that they cannot suffer. Just follow his mind to coax, and it will be half the battle.

"Really amazing. The kid is a mixed race, and it hasn't been long since he returned to China. He is older than the two of them, but he was still beaten by them."

"Hmph, don't see who is causing the trouble."

"Yes, yes, grandpa is right."

Pulling Chu Yunfei and sitting back on the sofa, after half an hour, Gu Xiaoxiao's mouth became dry and Chu Yunfei's anger was almost gone.

The two children had been taken upstairs by the servants, and the wounds were simply treated. It seemed that nothing happened at all. After Chu Yunfei checked it, he was relieved.

Gu Xiaoxiao was so tossed, she was almost exhausted and paralyzed. When Chu Yichen returned home, she was rolling on the bed, looking unlovable.

"You're back……"

Looking at Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao said hello weakly.

Chu Yichen came over and picked her up, looked down at her and asked, "Are you out shopping? You're so tired."

"I went out to the kindergarten. Your son is very prestigious today." Gu Xiaoxiao boasted with a weird expression, poking him in the chest and warning. "Xun Qianqian is not allowed, or if the little thing gets angry, he might have to go to his classmates to settle the accounts again."

"Well, no training."

Chu Muqian really had no sense, so as soon as Chu Yichen got home, he swished back to his room, not daring to go out for a long time.

Chu Yichen was very busy today, and declined to know how many phone calls, because he wanted to invite him to dinner and wish him a happy birthday. After changing his clothes and going downstairs, I saw Ranran and Yiyi approaching, but no shadow of Chu Muqian.

"What about elder brother?" Chu Yichen asked softly while sitting in his arms holding Ranran.

"Brother is upstairs." Chu Muran's tangled little hands were held together. She also knew that her father had always been stricter to her brother, so she was also a little scared.

"Good dad, happy birthday dad. Dad, my brother and I will prepare birthday gifts for you!"

Trying to make Chu Yichen happy, Chu Muran just didn't dare to let him see Chu Muqian.

Chu Muqian hid in the room for a long time, and knew that this was not the answer. Because he hasn't eaten dinner yet, he has to go downstairs.

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