Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1609: Is Ling Qianyu okay?

"When did I get angry with you?" Chu Yichen rubbed his hair and hugged him to lie back on the bed. "Didn't it matter what happened today? Sleep well, don't think too much."

Really lifeless?

Chu Muqian blinked his eyes and looked at him, and then said with a bit of precision: "Then...Will you hug me to sleep?"

Chu Yichen sighed lightly and nodded.

He hasn't slept with this little thing in a long time. In the few years when Gu Xiaoxiao was absent, he almost always accompanied the two villains. Looking back now, Chu Yichen couldn't be sure, whether he was with them or they were with him...

Chu Muqian slept very fast and very heavy. After a while, he fell asleep with a sweet smile on his lips.

Chu Yichen slowly withdrew his hand from under him, returned to the bedroom, ready to rest.

The person in the bed hasn't slept yet, and seems to have been waiting for him, but it's not enough.

Getting into his warm embrace, Gu Xiaoxiao complained in a low voice: "How much did you drink?"

"Can not remember."

"How can I drink so..."

"Envy and jealousy?" Chu Yichen couldn't help but teasing her for her drinking.

"Huh." Gu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth and bit him, "Sleep! I'm going back to the company for a meeting tomorrow morning!"

I was talking about sleeping, but in fact, I was a little awake.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know if others would be like this sometimes. He was clearly sleepy, and he was so sleepy that he would die, but he couldn't sleep.

Enjoying his exclusive pampering, Gu Xiaoxiao snuggled in his arms, thinking of many people.

Ling Qianyu, this woman who has left a deep impression on Gu Xiaoxiao's memory. Even if I haven't seen her for a long time, I remembered again that Gu Xiaoxiao would still remember those little details.

I don’t know if she has been sentenced to death...A woman as smart as her will definitely prepare herself for the future, right?

"Ling Qianyu, is she okay?" asked unconsciously the doubts in my heart.

"Who?" Chu Yichen thought he had misheard, and after Gu Xiaoxiao repeated the name again, he was sure that his ears were OK.

"Good point, what do you mention her for?"

"I suddenly thought of it... After all, love rivals, I'm concerned about what's wrong."

"Your rival in love is more than her." Chu Yichen was not willing to continue this topic with her, trying very hard to go elsewhere. Unfortunately, the more you pull, the more biased.

"Yeah, there is another big star." Gu Xiaoxiao was jealous. "Frankly explain, have you received a gift from Xiao Yiren?"

There are no gifts, but information or other information is still received.

Where did Xiao Yiren dare to appear in front of Chu Yichen now, those who had been suppressed in the past six months had gradually begun to decline. Even though she is the hottest line, there is no good work, no high exposure rate. No matter how hot people are, there will eventually be a lonely day.

And Xiao Yiren knew that Chu Yichen had another trick that was useless. That is negative news.

If Chu Yichen really devised a plan to expose her drug abuse scandal. Then her future stardom was completely ruined.

Knowing this well, Xiao Yiren dare not make a mistake now. If you feel dissatisfied, you can only endure it yourself, and there is nothing to say about it.

It's really late. Gu Xiaoxiao has an early meeting tomorrow. Chu Yichen had no choice but to resist her desire and coax her to sleep.

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