Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1610: You are a girl, how can you be so embarrassed?

The two people sleep peacefully, but some people can't sleep.

Li Youran and Chu Yixuan lay on the same bed, each facing in different directions.

The room was quiet, Li Youran looked out the window through the curtains, her whole body tight.

The first time... the first time I slept with him in a bed, so nervous.

Chu Yixuan drank no less wine tonight than Chu Yichen. Chu Yichen used to celebrate his birthday and rarely stayed at home. Because there is so much entertainment, he was not a lover before.

Before Gu Xiaoxiao married into the Chu family, the old house was basically empty. A few members of the family are busy with their own affairs. I usually only talk on the phone occasionally, and come back for a gathering during the New Year. The rest of the time, all travel around the world.

But looking at it now, let alone Chu Yichen, he doesn't like to move even at home. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a business trip for a long time.

This change of his is everyone's eyes. And Chu Yichen is not the only person who has changed in the family.

If it were to be said, Gu Xiaoxiao might be nothing good. But she has one thing that others can't compare. Perhaps this is also the favorite of Chu Yixuan and his family.

As long as you are by her side, you will feel warm and at ease. Even if she is not strong, she will even need their protection.

"Are you asleep?" Li Youran worked hard for a long time, but still couldn't sleep. No way, I had to ask.

"Something?" His idle voice came from behind.


"I'm not sleeping well? Then I'll go to another room."

Chu Yixuan was about to get up and leave as he spoke. Li Youran hurriedly turned around and held him. She looked at him by the moonlight, and she said stubbornly, "Don't go."

A rare opportunity, how can I give up like this. They are now a legitimate husband and wife relationship, there is no need to be afraid of him.

Li Youran secretly cheered herself up, and then, taking advantage of Chu Yixuan's careless effort, threw him onto the bed.

A little strange, but very familiar feeling. Chu Yixuan frowned as he looked at the person pressing on him.

"Go down."

"I do not want!"

Responding firmly, Li Youran burst into air and kissed his thin lips.

After a brief stupefaction, Chu Yixuan pulled her off herself like a baby chicken. Tugging her collar, Hanshuang looked at her brows and eyes, and couldn't help but train: "How can you be so embarrassed as a girl?"


Li Youran was trained and didn't know how to answer.

She is ashamed?

In other words, does he think she is licentious?

The originally bright eyes became extremely dim when they heard his words. Li Youran opened her mouth, but after all she said nothing.

Smiled bitterly. She is no longer disappointed, but desperate.

Seeing her doing this, Chu Yixuan regretted what she said just now. But it's hard to collect the water, how can the words be changed back?

Li Youran stumbled on the bed, pulled the quilt over her body.

It's obviously not winter yet, but why does she feel so cold?

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. The two sides didn't talk to each other, and after Chu Yixuan lay down for a while, he felt that he might really be awake here tonight.

"Chu Yixuan." Li Youran closed his eyes when he felt him getting up, "If you dare to leave today, I will call my dad tomorrow morning and say that your family is bullying."

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