One day?

Is this person burnt out?

Chu Yixuan thought about this question, but in Li Youran's eyes, his frowning action was undoubtedly affirming her just now.

Closing his eyes and turning his head, Li Youran no longer looked at Chu Yixuan.

There are only two of them in the ward, but I have to say that it is really warmer than at home.

After lying down for a while, Li Youran heard the voice of Chu Yixuan leaving. She turned her head in a panic, for fear that he would leave herself here.

She didn't doubt that Chu Yixuan dared to do this, because he had already done so.

Only seeing Chu Yixuan's back, the door was closed, and Li Youran was alone in the house.

Chu Yixuan's name stopped at her mouth, before she could say it. Grinding his teeth in irritation, Li Youran had the urge to demolish the ward.

This... asshole!

With nothing to do, Li Youran could only stare up at the liquid medicine. Watching it decrease a little bit, thinking about how I will spend tonight.

More than half an hour later, the medicine was almost gone, and Chu Yixuan returned. Li Youran squinted at him displeasedly, and found that he was still carrying something in his hand. And... it smells pretty good.

Chu Yixuan took out the late night snack he bought with no expression, looked at Li Youran's greedy mouth, and whispered: "The stomach may be upset, eat less. The doctor will come over and change your medicine right away, and I will go out. Make a call and come back later."

"it is good."

Facing Chu Yixuan's hard-won concern, Li Youran was at a loss. Nodding slowly, watching him go out again, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Hey, I bought something for myself...

Eating contentedly, my mood improved a lot in an instant.

After spending more than two hours in the hospital, Li Youran left with Chu Yixuan top-heavy. Sitting in the car, feeling the alienated and cold breath of Chu Yixuan, she felt that she could not figure out this man at all.

He still cares a little bit about himself, right? But speaking of those cruel words, he was merciless.

The car quickly returned to the residence and went upstairs weakly. Li Youran knew it was late, but she was not sleepy.

Chu Yixuan looked down at her hand holding the corner of her clothes, and silently asked her what was wrong.

"Thank you for taking me to the hospital today."

"No thanks, I should."

Li Youran's eyes flashed, and she said: "That's right, you are my husband, so you should take me to the hospital."

Chu Yixuan didn't expect that she would say this so straightforwardly. After a moment of dazedness, she said sternly: "What's the matter with you, your father won't let me go."

"Chu Yixuan, can't the matter between the two of us not involve him?"

The good atmosphere was ruined by him. Li Youran's heart aches, she just wants to hear him say something nice, can't such a simple wish be achieved?

"If we don't involve him... then do you think we will still be together?"

Chu Yixuan smiled faintly and turned back to the room without giving Li Youran a chance to answer again.

Li Youran sighed, and once again realized what it's like to be affectionate.

Staring at Chu Yixuan's room, Li Youran sometimes can't help thinking, are he and Chu Yichen really brothers? Isn't it?

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