Think about Chu Yichen vs. Gu Xiaoxiao, and then look at Chu Yixuan vs. yourself. In Li Youran's heart, it is no longer just a question of envy. What is the difference between heaven and earth? That's it.

She wondered, especially wondered.

Before getting to know Chu Yixuan, Li Youran still had some confidence in herself. At least she looks pretty good, don't men just look at a few places?

But those self-confidence, after meeting Chu Yixuan, there is not a little bit that has been hit.

What faces, **** and **** are all clouds. If it wasn't for her relationship with Chu Yixuan that night, Li Youran would even suspect that Chu Yixuan was really bent.

Isn't it that **** can't be tough on women? That night...

Thinking of things that shouldn't be thought of, Li Youran blushed. With a light cough, she sat on the sofa to watch TV. The air conditioner in the house was turned on by Chu Yixuan as early as the moment she returned, so she was not cold at all now.

After watching TV for less than ten minutes, Li Youran was startled by Chu Yixuan's black face.

"Go back to the house and sleep."

"I'm not sleepy." Holding the pillow, Li Youran pleaded: "I have been asleep for a day, how can I still sleep."

"Go back to the house and sleep."

Chu Yixuan's tone cannot be violated by her. He took the remote control and turned off the TV, dragged her into the room and closed the door. Chu Yixuan's behavior made Li Youran feel like a pupil. When you go to bed, you still have to listen to the adults in your family.

"Go to sleep, what's so great about it."

Li Youran whispered while pulling the quilt. She can't do anything else, can't she sleep? !

Forcing herself to close her eyes, and later, without knowing whether it was the injection or the medicine, Li Youran actually fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Chu Yixuan went to work. She was the only one left at home. After eating some food, Li Youran went out.

Wandering aimlessly downstairs, no one at home needs to rush back anyway, no one is watching, so you can go wherever you want.

I have to say, this feeling of freedom is really cool and awesome!

As he walked, Li Youran found a gallery not far in front. Her eyes lit up and she walked over quickly.

Maybe it's time period, there are not many people in it. Li Youran wandered around, looking at the paintings on the wall, involuntarily thinking of Shen Qianyun.

I miss her a bit... Gu Xiaoxiao was right, she was really a very good old man. As long as you have been in contact, you will love it.

The footsteps stopped at the corner of the second floor, Li Youran looked at the painting on the wall in surprise, and took a breath.

this is……? !

"Hello, is there any need?"

Li Youran stood here for a long time, until a staff member's question came from behind. She thought that she must be too gaffe, so people would notice her.

"Hello, I want to ask, how much is this painting? I want to buy it." Turning around, Li Youran said firmly.

"This... I'm sorry, this painting is our private possession and we don't sell it." The woman smiled apologetically: "We have many other masters' works here. Why don't you see if you like it? "

"Is it really impossible? I can buy it for as much as I want!"

It is rare for Li Youran to be so wealthy because she really wants this painting.

Facing her questioning, the woman still smiled apologetically. The impeccable smile made Li Youran helpless.

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