He knew it would be like this.

"Didn't you say you want to go home?" Chu Yixuan looked at her in distress, frowning and asking.

Li Youran felt angrily that he was about to explode on the spot. Does he want her to go? She will not leave!

"I'm not going back! I'm going to be here!"

Looking up and speaking with him harshly, Li Youran took a step back and closed the door. But the next second, the door was opened again. The speed was so fast that the smile on the corner of Chu Yixuan's mouth did not have time to hide.

Li Youran stared at the water glass in his hand without looking at his face, so she missed the rare picture. Snatching his water glass, Li Youran shouted dry for a while, drank the water in his glass, and returned the glass to him.

A series of actions are extremely smooth. Shutting the door and climbing onto the bed, Li Youran sat cross-legged and calmed down his irritability. Taking a deep breath, wanting to calm down quickly.

She really understands what it means to be angry and not pay for life. Compared with Chu Yixuan, Li Youran felt that Jiang Sheng got along better!

After crying, I drank a large glass of water before going to bed, so my eyes would swell when I woke up in the morning, Li Youran was not surprised at all.

She got up weakly from the bed, she checked the time, Chu Yixuan had already left. Whether to go to the studio to paint or sneak back to City B alone is the choice Li Youran has to make now.

Touched her stomach, she had heard the protest sound from it. Whether you are going or staying, a full stomach is the key.

With a sigh of relief, Li Youran planned to eat next to him. Pushing the door out, she was stunned when she saw the people in the living room.

"Why didn't you leave?!"

Chu Yixuan was sitting on the sofa looking at the mobile phone. He looked up at her voice and looked at her slowly from top to bottom.

Li Youran's hair was scattered, her body was wrapped in a coral velvet nightgown, her eyes were still red and swollen, and there was no image at all. She wanted to know how embarrassed and ugly she was now, so when Chu Yixuan looked at her, she turned away subconsciously.

Turning her head sideways, she glanced at Chu Yixuan secretly, and she repeated her previous question again. "Why are you still at home? Are you busy?"

She can't leave when he is at home, so she doesn't want him to do what she wants! She is not happy and he should not even think about being comfortable!

"The morning meeting was cancelled, so there is nothing wrong."

"What about the afternoon meeting?" Li Youran asked.

"I won't have a meeting this afternoon."

So in other words, he has to be at home all day?

If it had been changed, Li Youran would have laughed three times happily. But today, she was not in that mood.

The recovery of skill still needs time to cool down, and now he has no physical strength to fight him.

"Whatever you want." With a cold snort, Li Youran walked towards the kitchen. Boiled water and soaked a bucket of instant noodles, and sat down at the dining table without squinting.

Chu Yixuan probably didn't eat anything this morning, Li Youran felt so. But she just doesn't want to feed him, let him be hungry!

With this thought, Li Youran stared at her instant noodles, waiting patiently for it to soak. Just as she lifted the lid to eat, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Li Youran looked at it suspiciously, and saw that Chu Yixuan had already walked over and opened the door. After speaking a few words with people outside, he returned with a few bags.

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