Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1644: Stared at him one second before and kissed him the next second.

Li Youran watched in a daze as he took out a few dishes from it and put them on the table, swallowing.

This person actually ordered the takeaway by himself... How scheming was he without saying hello when he saw he was boiling instant noodles? !

Originally, I wanted him to watch him eat, but now it is completely reversed.

Li Youran looked at the food in front of him, and then at the instant noodles in front of him, suddenly there was a gap.

Chu Yixuan ignored her and ate with chopsticks very happily. Li Youran glanced at the chopsticks on the side, and finally stood up spinelessly.

If you don't see and your heart is upset, just don't look at him.

Picking up the instant noodle box, Li Youran turned to leave. But an action of Chu Yixuan almost made her heart not jump out.

"sit down."

With long legs, blocking Li Youran's way. Chu Yixuan glanced at her sideways and ordered.

"I'm not!" Li Youran's eyes widened, "Why should I sit down? See what you eat? Want to greet me, you have no way!"

Chu Yixuan sighed lightly. He hadn't noticed before that this person was so naive. Is he like such a boring person?

"You don't want to eat? Forget it."

"I..." Li Youran frowned. What did he mean? "Chu Yixuan, do you want me to dine with you?"

Chu Yixuan didn't answer, Li Youran bent down to look at him, and finally got closer and closer.

Why is this man so good-looking?

Li Youran looked at his profile up close, secretly sighing in her heart.

What to do, I will never tire of it, the more I look at it, the more I like it...

Li Youran leaned forward uncontrollably, and before he could react, she kissed him on the cheek.

She didn't expect it, Chu Yixuan was even more so. Turning his head to face her, Chu Yixuan whispered, "I'm letting you eat, what do you want to eat?"

"I...I'd better eat noodles." Li Youran twitched the corner of her mouth awkwardly, and then ran back to her room as if running away.

Is there anything more embarrassing than this? You stared at someone one second before, why did you kiss him one second later? Is she wicked or what?

After eating the noodles with a sigh and drinking the soup, Li Youran's body became warmer. When he went out to throw out the trash, he found that Chu Yixuan was still sitting in the living room watching TV.

He is really free today...

Li Youran went downstairs to take out the **** and saw Chu Yixuan on the phone when she returned. She didn't want to disturb him, but he turned around and stopped her.

Standing still, Li Youran was motionless. When Chu Yixuan hung up the phone, she looked over and asked her, "Do you like painting?" She also nodded reflexively.

She likes it very much right now, although she doesn't know how long this passion will last.

"Draw a picture, let me see." Chu Yixuan said casually, and then sat down on the sofa, feeling Li Youran at a loss.

In Li Youran's impression, the two of them should be at war now. How can the atmosphere be such a harmonious conversation and chat? Why do you let yourself paint him?

Even though she thought so, Li Youran couldn't help doing it. When she took out a paintbrush and waited for work and sat in front of him, she herself felt that she was quite unpromising.

Chu Yixuan watched the TV quietly without watching her. Li Youran seldom had the opportunity to stare at him so unscrupulously, so if she didn't pay attention, she was fascinated.

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