Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1660: They don't look like acting

Fu Ziheng was anxious to see Chu Yixuan, "When will we get married?"

"When you came back a year ago, you will ask him about specific things. I don't know."

They just started talking about Chu Yixuan, even if Huo Yunxiu was there, they didn't seem to hide anything.

Gu Xiaoxiao was silent, but didn't understand, is their relationship with Huo Yunxiu so good? Did Huo Yunxiu also know the things about Brother and Youran?

Gu Xiaoxiao was absent-minded, Chu Xiaoxi had a gossip heart, and listened to the conversations of several people very seriously. Chen Jingyao is as shrewd as ever. After arriving here, she scanned the surroundings and looked at the people she felt familiar.

She is best at observing people and perceiving people's minds. After seeing Ryusaki Takumi and Su Zhiying, she squinted without a trace.

"Jingyao, when will Su Zuonan come back?" Gu Xiaoxiao walked to Chen Jingyao in two steps and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know very much. His job is quite special. You also know. I guess he only has time during the Chinese New Year. What's the matter? What's wrong with him?

Su Zuonan has become more and more popular in the past two years, and the price that needs to be paid is also getting busy.

"It's okay, just ask. Ranran saw him on TV yesterday and asked me when he would be back, saying that she missed him."

"If he was asked to hear this, even if he asked for leave, he would probably come back specially."

Su Zuonan likes Gu Xiaoxiao, and everyone knows it well. However, the relationship between Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen could not be broken. Su Zuonan seems to have realized this and looked away, so now she is very calm. As the godfather of the two children, don't mention how indulgent they are. So that Chu Muqian wanted to see his godfather almost every day when he had the worst relationship with Chu Yichen.

The two talked softly until Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes fell on Longqi Takumi and Su Zhiying again.

She looked a little fascinated, Chen Jingyao glanced at her, took her a few steps to the side, and then asked, "Who is the one next to Long Qi?"

"Oh?" Gu Xiaoxiao did not expect that she would ask Su Zhiying, she was taken aback, and quickly wondered how to answer.

Gu Xiaoxiao certainly didn't dare to talk about Su Zhiying's identity. But in front of Chen Jingyao, it is not so easy for her to lie.

In fact, at the moment she was dazed, Chen Jingyao saw the strangeness.

"Do you know?" Chen Jingyao asked.

"Well, I know. I met when I was in Japan before." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded and answered truthfully.

"Didn't you say that Ryusaki Takumi is interesting to you? Why did a woman run out again." Chen Jingyao smiled thoughtfully: "It doesn't seem to be acting like an acting."

Chen Jingyao’s eyes were as venomous as ever. Gu Xiaoxiao was startled and said, “He must not lack women. Besides, it’s impossible for me and him. How can he be alone on this occasion? come."

"Well, what I said is correct..." Chen Jingyao nodded, expressing understanding. Then he changed the subject and chatted with Gu Xiaoxiao about the child.

Chen Jingyao was also pregnant, although it hadn't been long before, the reaction was not as obvious as when Gu Xiaoxiao was pregnant. However, great changes have taken place in mentality.

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