Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1661: Will definitely seize the opportunity

The two were engaged in chatting, and Chu Xiaoxi later realized that the two of them were far away from the group, so he leaned in curiously and joined the team of the two.

Ryugasaki Takumi’s birthday party was very plain. At least Gu Xiaoxiao seemed to be right, and no accident happened.

After taking Su Zhiying to a social gathering, he returned to Gu Xiaoxiao and the others. Although he has not talked to Gu Xiaoxiao directly, but the sight that always falls on Gu Xiaoxiao inadvertently still makes people feel that he cares about Gu Xiaoxiao.

Near the end of the banquet, Su Zhiying finally found a chance to approach Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine now." She made a long story short. "Take care of yourself. If I need help, I will contact Chu Yichen."

"Then you must pay attention to your safety." Gu Xiaoxiao frowned and said in a low voice, "You must pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, I cherish my life! I will definitely seize such a good opportunity."

When Su Zhiying said this, her eyes flashed with excitement. She had always wanted to find a chance to get close to Ryugasaki Takumi, but now she finally got her wish.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her expression, feeling uncomfortable. They all have their own jobs, and Su Zhiying wants to complete her duties, and Gu Xiaoxiao has no right to interfere.

The two only said a few words, and Ryugasaki Takumi came over. I don't know if he wants to take the opportunity to get close to Gu Xiaoxiao, or if he really wants to act to the end and maintain the "love" with Su Zhiying.

Putting his hand on Su Zhiying's shoulder, hugging her against her, Ryuqi Takumi looked at Gu Xiaoxiao softly.

"It's getting late, let's go back first."

"Well, Mr. Ryugasaki, happy birthday."

"Thank you." Long Qi Takumi nodded slightly, and then left with Su Zhiying. Gu Xiaoxiao watched the two go away, inexplicably feeling that Su Zhiying was "kidnapped".

Having said that, if Ryugasaki Takumi didn't know the identity of Su Zhiying. So how did he explain to Su Zhiying and persuade Su Zhiying to stay with him?

Gu Xiaoxiao is a little curious...

After Ryugasaki left, the others gradually disappeared. After Chu Yichen and Huo Yunxiu agreed to meet tomorrow, they took Gu Xiaoxiao's hand and left.

Gu Xiaoxiao had nothing to say when he got in the car and drove home. Chu Yichen turned to look at her several times, and couldn't help asking: "Are you still thinking about Su Zhiying?"

Gu Xiaoxiao responded indifferently. In fact, she has always had a very subtle feeling in her heart. She just thought it was strange, but if she was asked to tell it, she couldn't tell where it was.

Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look at Chu Yichen, and wisely talked about other things. Chu Yichen didn't like the things she wanted to do with other men, she still remembered this.

Su Zhiying and Longqi Takumi left in the same car, and the atmosphere inside the car was a bit stiff and cold. The two sat in tandem, missing the "sweetness" in front of others, and they were mostly unfamiliar and indifferent.

Ryugasaki Takumi sat in the front row expressionlessly with his eyes closed and rested, while Su Zhiying, in a good mood, looked at the scenery along the way.

After a few hours of busy work, the wound on her body had already begun to hurt unbearably. But she doesn't care too much, as long as things make further progress, it is good.

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