Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1664: Do you want to go to Italy with me

Because of the cold, Li Youran covered all the blankets on her head, only half of her face was exposed, but she refused to turn on the air conditioner. Chu Yixuan didn't know what was wrong with her, but every time she saw it, there was an urge to beat her.

Frowning, Chu Yixuan woke her up. Li Youran opened her eyes a little confused, and when she saw his facial features up close, her breath stopped.

"You... how do you..."

She hesitated and didn't say a whole word. Chu Yixuan stood up straight, not having the patience to listen to her finish.

"Go back to the room and sleep."

Turned and left, leaving Li Youran with a cold back. After Li Youran was taken aback, she got up, rubbed his eyes and called his name.

"Chu Yixuan...When can you take me out on holiday?"

holiday? play?

Picking one out at random seems to be a very extravagant thing for Chu Yixuan.

"I want to go for a walk, can you take me there?" Seeing Chu Yixuan stopped, Li Youran asked, "It's all right in half a day, okay?"

"I do not have time."

Chu Yixuan was telling the truth, and things have suddenly increased in the last two days. The busy Chu Yixuan was a little too much to eat, so he came back so late every day.

Perhaps Chu Yixuan's tone was too blunt, or perhaps the feeling he gave Li Youran had always been perfunctory. In short, when Li Youran heard his answer like this, the first reaction was that she annoyed him again.

"Okay, then I know." Li Youran nodded weakly, glanced at the time, but didn't bother him too much. "Then I will go out for a walk by myself after class tomorrow. I will be careful. If anything happens, I will call you."

Passing by Chu Yixuan, Li Youran was too sleepy, and she couldn't help yawning when she was sleepy.

I've long been used to Chu Yixuan's refusal, and I've long been used to how to respond. Li Youran quickly adjusted her mentality, and after returning to the room, she continued to sleep with her head covered, not thinking about things that affected her mood.

Coming to the studio the next day, Li Youran, as usual, occupies a position in the corner, thinking about what to eat after class. Everyone talks about the food in Guangdong, but she has been eating takeaway these days, and she is a bit tired.

"You Ran, come here for a while."

Just as Li Youran was thinking hard, someone called her name. Looking up, it was a teacher who didn't meet very often.

It has been three weeks since Li Youran came to this studio under the "care" of Shen Linsheng. But the number of times she saw this person was counted by one hand.

He only teaches one class a week, and the rest is to watch the mood appear randomly. So Li Youran was surprised to see him when she came today. Because I just took his class yesterday...

After rushing over, Li Youran was puzzled and asked what was going on. After Li Mu took her out of the classroom, he slowly explained the reason for looking for her.

"I'm going to Italy next month to participate in an art exhibition. Do you want to come with me?"

"Huh?" Li Youran blinked, subconsciously thinking that he had misheard.

She turned her head and looked behind her, and after she was sure that Li Mu was really talking to her, she was still a little confused.

"Why, no time?" Li Mu asked after seeing her doing this. "Or, you don't want to go?"

[Something at home, make up for it]

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