"No, it's not." Li Youran shook her head, embarrassed: "I'm just a little surprised, not sure if the teacher has found the wrong person."

There are so many students in this studio, why would he choose himself? When it comes to painting skills, she is the worst among so many people...

Li Mu smiled, and the smile made Li Youran gradually feel at ease. "You are very talented. I have read the homework you handed in these few times. It is very good. Go back and think about it, and let me know when you think about it. We will go there in about a week and I will introduce a few people to you."

Li Youran's eyes lit up, and she didn't know if it was the so-called... Smart eyes recognize talents. Chu Yixuan said that she painted abstraction, but Li Mu actually said she was talented...

"Well, thank you teacher, I will seriously consider it when I go back."

"Go to class."

Li Mu nodded, and then left. Li Youran was happy and felt that the whole world was bright. The corners of her mouth kept rising, and when the get out of class was over, she just couldn't wait to share the news with Chu Yixuan and Gu Xiaoxiao. By the way, she also asked Chu Yixuan whether she agreed to go with her teacher.

Leaving the classroom, Li Youran stopped seeing the cars and people on the side of the road. Shen Linsheng came here today, he is here...

Li Youran was still wondering whether Shen Linsheng came to Li Mu or someone else, but after seeing his eyes fall straight on her body, she had the answer.

"Mr. Shen, why are you here?"

Walking over, Li Youran asked politely. After hearing this, Shen Linsheng smiled and replied: "Suddenly today I remembered what I promised you before, so I came here. Do you have time? Have a meal together, go to my place tomorrow and bring you the painting."

"Have time!"

Li Youran nodded again and again, unexpectedly one good thing after another today. She and Shen Linsheng have known each other for so long, and they haven't got the painting yet.

"What do you want to eat? I invite you!"

Looking at Shen Linsheng with bright eyes, Li Youran asked with joy.

"Get in the car first." Shen Linsheng pulled the car door and motioned to let her in. Li Youran just wanted to eat quickly and get a picture, and didn't pay much attention at all.

The car moved slowly, and finally reached a tea restaurant. The owner of the store and Shen Linsheng seemed to be acquaintances, so after seeing him, they immediately served him personally. When she saw Li Youran next to him, Li Youran's meaningful smile made Li Youran feel particularly uncomfortable.

After eating, Li Youran and Shen Linsheng discussed when to go to his studio tomorrow. After deciding everything, she said gratefully: "Although this has been said more than once, I really want to thank you. Don't worry, I will do my best to do what I promised you."

"If you treat me as a friend, you don't have to say such kind words anymore. Try this, their dish is a signature."

Pushing the dishes in the middle of the table in front of Li Youran, after the two of them finished eating, Shen Linsheng personally sent her back to her residence.

Li Youran got off the car in the old place and walked slowly downstairs. When she saw Chu Yixuan's car parked there, she was a little surprised.

He is back? Isn't it busy? Why did you come back so early?

Running upstairs in a hurry, Li Youran looked around but couldn't find Chu Yixuan. He sighed disappointed, but he was also curious about how he sent the car back.

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