Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1676: Is she the one who saved Feng Cheng? !

"Huh? No." Gu Xiaoxiao raised her eyes to look in his direction and shook her head to deny. "Just thinking about things."

After a pause, Gu Xiaoxiao asked back: "You said, are men's watches similar?"

"I don't understand this. Grandma should go back and ask Master."

Things like watches are played by rich talents. What can he say as a driver?

"However, I feel that the appearance of some watches is quite different. You can see that the young master and the master sometimes wear them."

Gu Xiaoxiao nodded as a response. Lean there and continue to think about what happened just now.

After Gu Xiaoxiao left, Su Zhiying quickly got down from the stairs. Get in Ryugasaki Takumi's car and head to Ryugasaki Takumi's residence. Su Zhiying looked out the window along the way, and the two had no communication.

When the car was halfway, Ryugasaki Takumi's cell phone rang. He didn't stop answering the phone because Su Zhiying was by his side, let alone flicker or conceal something because of this.

The people at the end of the conversation wanted to see him, Ryugasaki Takumi happily agreed.

Order the driver to change direction and go to the company first. After arriving at the place, Ryuqi Takumi turned his head to look at Su Zhiying, and asked with a smile, "Should I go over to see you?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested." Su Zhiying glanced at him and bluntly replied: "I'm waiting for you in the car."

As the two talked, the people waiting inside had already walked out of the cafe. She waited here for a long time, and she was a little anxious.

Ryugasaki Takumi opened the door and got out of the car. After seeing someone not far away, he walked over.

Feng Shengxi hurriedly smiled when he saw him. But her smile became a little stiff after she glanced at the people in the car.

Feng Shengxi had met Su Zhiying. The last time I saw Su Zhiying and Gu Xiaoxiao in the teahouse, he also knew that she and Gu Xiaoxiao had a good relationship. Therefore, when she saw Su Zhiying sitting in Longqi's car, she was very surprised.

Did she read it wrong? I think should not be?

After seeing the expression on her face, Ryugasaki Takumi knew what she was thinking. If there is a seemingly Wu smile, he and Feng Shengxi enter the store together, and after about ten minutes, they come out.

Su Zhiying took a nap in the car and squinted at the person who came back when she heard the door opening.

After the car drove away from the place, Su Zhiying spoke softly and asked with interest: "Did she come to thank you, or come to ask you?"


"Then what are you going to do?"

Ryugasaki Takumi gave a chuckle, looked at her lazy look with deep eyes, raised an eyebrow and asked: "You are so smart, can't you guess it?"

"I admit that I am smart, but I am not smart enough to guess what you are thinking."

Su Zhiying covered her mouth and yawned again, "You can get her brother out, now in her eyes it is a life-saving straw. People's hearts are greedy, and she will definitely have other requests."

"Then I don't know how she would react if she knew that the person who really saved Feng Cheng was you."

"You are exalting me, how can I have such great ability?"

Su Zhiying could not afford to wear the high hat given by Ryugasaki Takumi.

"I just provided you with a little useless information. It was your magical powers that brought people out." Su Zhiying closed her eyes and turned her face to a direction that Ryugasaki Takumi could not see.

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