Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1677: Was fooled by Chu Yichen

"Chu Lin should come back years ago. I can give you the time to delay, and it will be that time at the latest. What should you do? You'd better make a plan now. She is so smart, I'm afraid she will come back then. , Many things will become inconvenient."

"How can it be inconvenient to have you here?"

Su Zhiying frowned when Ryugasaki Takumi said something in the dialect, but did not refute anything.

Quiet again in the car, Su Zhiying opened her eyes only after arriving at the residence, got out of the car first, went upstairs, and shut herself into the room.

After Gu Xiaoxiao returned home, she thought of what Su Zhiying had said to herself. When Chu Yichen came back from get off work in the evening, she quickly told him.

"You said, does this matter really have anything to do with him?"

Gu Xiaoxiao leaned against the wall and looked at Chu Yichen sadly and asked. She has a big belly now, and it is inconvenient to get into Chu Yichen's arms.

"Who knows."

"Be serious!" Gu Xiaoxiao widened her eyes, knowing that he was teasing herself. "If he really helps, then I will never see him again!"

"Hearing is fictitious, seeing... is not necessarily true. How can we draw a conclusion based on Su Zhiying's words. If I have to say it, then I can only say that it is half and half possible. "

Chu Yichen took Gu Xiaoxiao's hand and dragged her to sit on her lap. Embracing her body, the palms gently stroked her belly.

"The relationship between the Bai family and the Feng family was so close before, and it was like a grasshopper on the wire. If Feng Shengxi used any handle to threaten people, then it would be impossible for the Bai family to do her a favor. ? But this is just my speculation. If you really want to know, it's better to... ask him in person?"

When Bai Yingjie was involved, Gu Xiaoxiao was particularly irritable. This kind of impatient mood kept her very upset, so after hearing Chu Yichen's proposal, she immediately replied unconvinced: "If you ask him, just ask him, I'll see what he says!"

"Okay, it just so happens that he wants to see you. Let's have dinner together at noon tomorrow."

Chu Yichen's words left Gu Xiaoxiao dumbfounded. Did she fall into the pit? Chu Yichen set her off again!

"Whose side are you on?!"

"Of course it is you." Chu Yichen replied with a smile, hugged her up, bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek. "The sky is big and the earth is big, and my wife is the biggest. What you want me to do is what I do."

"Hmph, it sounds nice, who knows what you think in your heart."

Gu Xiaoxiao said so, but she was still happy. Today is Friday, and the children will be off tomorrow. Gu Xiaoxiao promised to take them to the aquarium. At this time, it's almost time to eat. So the two left the study and returned to everyone's sight.

Gu Xiaoxiao has a fairly good appetite recently, and her face is much rounder than before. The fair skin can be broken by blowing, and the round oval face makes people never tire of it.


Chu Muran was sitting in Chu Yunfei's arms and playing. When she saw her coming downstairs, she immediately shouted, and jumped off the grandfather, and ran straight to Gu Xiaoxiao.

When she ran in front of Gu Xiaoxiao, her mouth was slightly pursed, and she stared at Gu Xiaoxiao's belly a little unhappy.

Gu Xiaoxiao's belly is getting bigger and bigger, so he holds them less and less times. Ranran was expecting her "sister" to be born, but now she is a little unhappy.

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