Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1678: Father and son talk time is up

"What's wrong with the baby?"

Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't squat down, so she touched her head and asked softly.

"I want my mother to hold him." Chu Muran lowered his head and said pitifully.

Gu Xiaoxiao bit the corner of her lip, and she could naturally feel the grievance and anxiety on Chu Muran's body. Such things as having a second child must have an impact on the previous child. Therefore, she had to find a way.

Slightly bent over and leaned over, Gu Xiaoxiao whispered to her: "Mom will sleep with you tonight, okay?"


Chu Muran raised her head abruptly, her big eyes filled with joy.

"When did mother lie to you?"

"I want too!" Chu Muqian, who had just ran over, heard the conversation between the two and immediately expressed his opinion for fear that Gu Xiaoxiao would forget him.

"But mom can only accompany one person tonight." Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look at him, and patiently coaxed: "Qianqian sleeps with dad tonight and mom tomorrow, what do you think?"

"……OK then."

Chu Muqian glanced at Chu Yichen with disgust, nodded reluctantly. If he were to choose, he would definitely choose Gu Xiaoxiao both nights.

Chu Yichen understood what Gu Xiaoxiao meant, and he could see clearly Chu Muqian's attitude towards him. With a slight smile, he walked over and hugged Chu Muqian.

"Dad..." Chu Muqian looked at the smile at the corner of Chu Yichen's mouth and opened his mouth timidly.

Children are also very good at observing words and colors. Chu Yichen usually doesn't laugh much, even if he laughs, most of them are directed at Gu Xiaoxiao. So now he is kind to Chu Muqian, and he can't help but worry Chu Muqian a little bit whether he knows he is sleeping secretly at school.

Chu Muqian fell asleep accidentally when he was in class today. He himself didn't know what was going on. Anyway, if he didn't pay attention, he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, the teacher stood in front of him.

Chu Yichen hugged him and walked to the sofa to sit down, squeezed his soft face, and asked, "Did you get into trouble at school recently and bully other kids?"

"I'm very good lately!"

"Dad! My brother is very good!" Chu Muran was afraid that her brother would be scolded, and quickly helped. "Brother didn't sleep in class!"

As soon as she said what she said, Chu Muqian's face changed. And she herself realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, raised her little hand to cover her mouth, wishing she didn't say anything.

What is a teammate like a pig? Gu Xiaoxiao felt that her daughter was of this kind.

Holding Chu Muran to the side and sitting down, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen's side with interest. The same goes for other people in the living room.

It's time for father and son to talk, it's time for everyone to watch the fun.

"Sleep in class? What's the matter?"

Chu Yichen leaned on the sofa chair and moved his legs, and Chu Muqian's small body moved accordingly.

"I thought you were in a fight, but I didn't expect to fall asleep."

"I..." Chu Muqian opened his mouth. He wanted to defend himself, but he couldn't find a suitable excuse for a while. "I……"

"Did you sleep well at night?" Chu Yichen looked at him in a hurry and kindly laid steps for him.

After listening, Chu Muqian nodded immediately and followed his words: "Well, I didn't sleep well! I'm dreaming!"

The bullshit...Chu Yichen cursed secretly in his heart, but didn't embarrass him, because Chu Muqian's performance is still very good on weekdays.

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