Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1690: She bought the watch that Longqi wears?

"See you, will you stay and sleep with your brother tonight?"

"Okay!" An Jingyan replied with milky voice without hesitation. Chu Xiaoxi curled his lips angrily, and said nothing. After dinner, Gu Xiaoxiao was asked to push out the door and was sent home by the driver.

After Gu Xiaoxiao had been busy for a few hours, and after putting a few children to bed, she stared at Yanran beside her and fell into deep thought.

Watch... The watch that Ryugasaki Takumi wore before, she felt familiar.

If she remembers it correctly, that should be... she picked it by herself, right?

Gu Xiaoxiao had such doubts in her heart, but she did not dare to go into it.

It must be a coincidence, she hypnotized herself over and over again, Long Qi's family is so rich, it is no surprise that he buys anything!

Before going to bed, I ate an apple. Gu Xiaoxiao still remembered that when he was going to school, his classmates would ask for coins from each other and then buy Ping An fruit. In retrospect, it is also quite interesting. Although she is not superstitious, she still maintains the habit of eating apples on Christmas Eve. If you have to say whose credit this is, then you have to mention Mu Yunfan...

The two grew up together and lived in the same community. On this day of each year, when school is over, he would "handily" throw her an apple until the day they separated after going to college.

"Mu Yunfan..." Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and said the name in a low voice.

What does he look like? It's been a long time since I saw it, but she can't remember...

On Christmas Day, city B started to snow early in the morning. This is a very exciting thing for children.

"Mom, Xue!" Chu Muran lay on the window, looking outside with joy and shouted: "I want to make a snowman!"

"Well, I will accompany you to make a snowman when the snow is thicker."

"Mom, when will Dad be back? I miss him!"

"Daddy will be back tomorrow. He has only been away for a few days. Why do you miss him?" Gu Xiaoxiao tapped the tip of her daughter's nose and asked with a joke.

"Mom doesn't want it?" Chu Muran looked at Gu Xiaoxiao innocently, and stopped Gu Xiaoxiao's question.

Don't you want to? how can that be possible……

I don't feel anything when I meet each other every day, but once I separate and can't see me, I feel a little empty in my heart.

"I don't want to." Gu Xiaoxiao replied stiffly: "Mom has an affair with her, so happy."

Chu Muran didn't know whether he found something or thought of something, and smiled while covering his mouth, and stopped talking.

After eating, the three children went to the kindergarten together. Gu Xiaoxiao accompanied Shen Qianyun to breathe out. After walking around the courtyard, she realized that Shen Qianyun was not in a good mood.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you?" Turning her head, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her worriedly and asked. "Is it physically uncomfortable or something unhappy?"

Shen Qianyun smiled and shook his head, denying Gu Xiaoxiao's guess. But Gu Xiaoxiao seemed to be very smart today, and she quickly thought of a possibility.

"Mom... Does grandma miss her?"

Shen Qianyun stiffened when Gu Xiaoxiao asked, and her reaction could be regarded as an indirect answer to Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Grandma, you still have me." Holding Shen Qianyun's hand, Gu Xiaoxiao said earnestly: "I will always be with you, instead of mom's share."

Amidst the falling snow, Shen Qianyun looked at this face very similar to Gu Wanting in front of him, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

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