Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1691: You are not a superstitious person, how can you believe this.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Shen Qianyun's eyes slowly turning red, and her heart was extremely uncomfortable. She has never met Gu Wanting, and she must not be able to compare her miss of Gu Wanting with Shen Qianyun.

"The thing that grandma is most proud of in her life is to have two big babies, you and your mother."

Shen Qianyun slowly raised his hand and brushed Gu Xiaoxiao's profile.

"Don't cry, although grandma misses her, she is used to it. What's more, grandma knows that she must live a very happy life in the sky, which is enough. In a few years, grandma will be able to see her."

"Grandma! Don't say such sad things! You will live a long life!"

"Stupid boy, on the day when people are born, old, sick, and die, is it possible to become a grandmother and really want to accompany you for the rest of your life? That is not an old monster.

Gu Xiaoxiao's anxious tears rolled in his eyes, and Shen Qianyun understood her filial piety and her reluctance. But people always have to face the reality, they are already seventy, how many years can they live if they live?

Holding Gu Xiaoxiao's hand back into the room, Gu Xiaoxiao's mood has been very low, no matter how Shen Qianyun coaxed, her heart is still uncomfortable. She lied to Shen Qianyun with a strong smile and said that she was okay, and then went back to the room, looking at the snow outside the window in a daze.

Chu Yichen returned home less than three o'clock in the afternoon. Gu Xiaoxiao lay on the bed to rest, not knowing the exact time of his return. So after seeing him push the door in, I was pleasantly surprised.

"Why are you back?!"

"Isn't it the original plan to come back today?" Taking off the cold coat, Chu Yichen squinted her eyes slightly and asked: "Don't tell me that you forgot."

"I didn't! But I remember you came back from a plane at night."

Gu Xiaoxiao knelt and sat up, making a gesture to rush into his arms. Chu Yichen quickly stopped her hands and eyes, and met her dissatisfied expression, rubbed her hair and said, "I'm cold on my body. I'll hold it later."

"Just right, I'm not cold, I will keep you warm!"

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't listen so much, and ignoring his opposition, dragged him to the bed and hugged him tightly.

Facing Gu Xiaoxiao who is becoming more and more coquettish, Chu Yichen is naturally happy. But in addition to being happy, he also noticed that there was something wrong with Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Why are my eyes a little red, crying like I want?"

Looking sideways at Gu Xiaoxiao's face, Chu Yichen squeezed her cheek and asked teasingly.

"I didn't miss you, but I did not think about you. From the first day after you left, I have to mutter for a while before going to bed every night, and ask Dad when she misses Dad."

Chu Yichen smiled, his expression was quite ostentatious, as if he was saying, "I deserve to be my daughter."

"Since you didn't miss me, who made you cry?" Chu Yichen did not give up the question just now.

"No one offended me... I thought about it myself, and I felt a little uncomfortable." Gu Xiaoxiao replied in a low voice, "You said, if people can really live forever, that would be great. We can always be With the one I love."

"Silly girl."

Chu Yichen smiled helplessly, and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm separated in this life, not in the next life."

"Chu Yichen, you don't seem to be a superstitious person, do you also believe that people have reincarnation?"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him incredulously, and the fox questioned.

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