Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1800: How handsome is **** in gay?

"Huh? Is it okay?"

"Of course you can if you want."

As an idol, when should you smile and when should you smile. In this regard, Su Zuonan is still very good.

Talking and laughing with Li Youran and a few people, there is no delay in teasing the children. Chu Yichen sat quietly and looked at them, showing no signs of anger.

After chatting for a while, Su Zuonan glanced at Chu Yichen's direction, and then asked Gu Xiaoxiao in a low voice, "Is he all right today? Why do I feel weird?"

If Gu Xiaoxiao had such a happy chat with him before this was changed, Chu Yichen would have come over jealously and dragged him away. But today, not only was he indifferent, he also brought some fruits to a few people while pouring tea, which made Su Zuonan more and more fidgety.

"It's okay, don't pay attention to him." Gu Xiaoxiao knew what Chu Yichen was smiling, and bit her lip. She looked around, but she didn't see Chu Yixuan.

Several people chatted, and when Yao Muqing came back, they moved upstairs to play cards.

As the Chu family went up and down, Su Zuonan was happy. At dinner, even the old man Chu Yunfei greeted him with a smile.

At 10:30 in the evening, Su Zuonan was picked up by the agent. Li Youran stood at the door and stared at the drifting car, sighing leisurely: "Ah, so handsome."

"I don't see where he is handsome." There was a cold voice behind him, and Li Youran's body stiffened. "What's so good about being **** in gay?"

"Puff!" Chu Xiaoxi heard from the side and couldn't help laughing. Chu Yichen had already returned to the house with Gu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, but he still heard what Chu Yixuan said.

Looking down at Gu Xiaoxiao's gaze, Chu Yichen raised his eyebrows and smiled badly. Gu Xiaoxiao poked him in the stomach and reminded in a low voice, "If you play like this again, You Ran may really be angry!"

Anyone who has idols knows that if others say that they are not good, it may pass because of face forbearance. However, if you say in front of your own face that your idol is not, it is a big deal, and you cannot bear it!

When Chu Yixuan said that Su Zuonan was **** when she was gay, Li Youran was a little upset. Looking directly at his eyes, Li Youran gritted his teeth and said: "I think you are handsome. Your eyes are obviously good. How can you not tell?"

"Okay, handsome." Chu Yixuan was silent for a while and nodded. After saying this, he turned upstairs. Li Youran was taken aback, and quickly followed.

She is not stupid, she can see that Chu Yixuan is angry. The two went upstairs in tandem, leaving Gu Xiaoxiao and the three to watch them downstairs.

"Brother, do you think the two of them will quarrel tonight?" Chu Xiaoxi tilted his head until he couldn't see the two of them, and then reluctantly retracted his gaze.

"I don't know whether to quarrel or not, but when tens of millions are in hand, I know this." Chu Yichen got up with satisfaction and pulled Gu Xiaoxiao back to the bedroom. I took a day off, watched a movie, and made a day's worth of money. What is happier than this?

Li Youran followed Chu Yixuan back to the room, and almost hit her nose by the door he slammed.

"Hey, why are you so angry..." Li Youran said, standing outside the door after touching the tip of his nose.

Carefully pushing open the door, Chu Yixuan was already **** and preparing to take a shower.

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