Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1801: Chu Yixuan is angry

Li Youran walked up to him, looked up at him, and asked in a low voice: "Are you angry?"

"No, what's so angry." Chu Yixuan's tone was flat, just as usual. But Li Youran felt that what he was talking about was angry.

"I didn't do anything to provoke you, but I just praised Su Zuonan for being handsome. I was telling the truth. Why are you so angry?"

Li Youran blocked his way, a flash of light in his mind opened his eyes.

"Ah!" She whispered, making Chu Yixuan frown. "You won't be the man who saw me compliment other people, are you jealous?"

When Li Youran said this, her heart was empty. Does Chu Yixuan already like her so much? Are you jealous?

"Heh." Chu Yixuan chuckled and pointed at the mirror not far away. Under Li Youran's puzzled gaze, she slowly said: "People say that the heat expands and the cold shrinks, but it's obviously cold today, but why is your face getting bigger and bigger? Go look in the mirror and see yourself, don't Too happy."

After ridiculing Li Youran, Chu Yixuan passed her and went into the bathroom. Li Youran clenched her fist and stood there for a while, then rushed to the bed unhappily, lying there without speaking.

Chu Yixuan finished the washing soon, and had nothing to say with Li Youran after he came out. I went to bed and turned on the TV. After watching for a while, Li Youran didn't see any movement, and he didn't say anything. Turn off the TV directly and lie down to rest.

Li Youran lay there for a long time, until she was sleepy, and she didn't hear Chu Yixuan say anything to herself.

The bedside lamp went out and the light in the room dimmed. Li Youran got up aggrieved, took off his clothes slowly, and got into the quilt.

The bodies of the two became cold and hot, and Li Youran subconsciously wanted to lean over to him, but was stopped by Chu Yixuan's cold words.

"Don't bother me, I have to get up early tomorrow morning."

"Chu Yixuan..." Li Youran whispered his name, "Don't be angry, okay? I really don't know what I did wrong, you tell me, I change it, and I won't do it again!"

Chu Yixuan closed his eyes without responding, as if he was asleep. Li Youran stared at his exquisite and beautiful face, her mouth squashed, and turned to the side to study what was going on.

Really jealous? Impossible, he is not that kind of person.

Thinking of what Chu Yixuan said tonight, Li Youran decided that it would be better not to look too high at herself. After all, the higher you climb, the more painful you fall.

It's not jealous, that's because she has a problem. But from morning to night, she basically mingled with Gu Xiaoxiao and the others. He didn't even say a few words to him, why did he upset him?

Li Youran was very distressed and puzzled. Dazed thinking about falling asleep in the middle of the night, he opened his eyes the next day and found that Chu Yixuan was gone.

I didn't see him during breakfast, so he should have been out long ago.

Although Li Youran deliberately concealed it, the sharp-eyed Chu Xiaoxi and Gu Xiaoxiao, who knew something must have happened, still found something wrong with her. So after eating, she began to question her.

"You Ran, you frown this morning, who do you want to show it to?" Chu Xiaoxi squeezed her cheeks with both hands and asked with a smile. "Who upset you?"

"Except for Chu Yixuan, who has such a great ability to upset me?"

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