Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1847: Feng Shengxi was arrested

Feng Shengxi's move made Gu Xiaoxiao happy. But Feng Shengxi quickly returned to the original state, but there was a little confusion and doubt in her eyes.

It can be seen that she is also a little puzzled by the strangeness of her body.

"Auntie Feng, I think there is really some misunderstanding between us. Why not take advantage of this opportunity today and let everyone explain everything."

Gu Xiaoxiao tried very hard to delay the time. She mentioned Gu Wanting because she felt that Feng Shengxi would be happy to let her know the truth before she died and let her leave the world with hatred. And it turns out that her idea is also right.

"Your daughter was killed by me. Similarly, my mother... also died in your hands."

Feng Shengxi didn't answer at once, but the smile on the corner of his mouth instantly widened.

"Yes, it was in my hands. It's a pity that when that stupid woman died, she didn't understand how she died." Feng Shengxi finally spoke, and she was quite showing off. "You are as stupid as your mother."

"You **** lunatic! You paid my daughter's life!!"

Not far away came Shen Qianyun's cry of exhaustion. Gu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and couldn't bear to see her tearful face.

"Damn me? You are the **** person!" Feng Shengxi smiled arrogantly, "It's you who don't know good or bad, it's your daughter who dreams of flying on a branch to become a phoenix! If you want to blame, blame yourself, if you want to blame, blame your brain... "

Before he finished speaking, Feng Shengxi's expression changed suddenly. She wailed in pain and lost her balance.

Two gunshots sounded at the same time, one left and the other hit her legs. Gu Xiaoxiao was buzzed by the huge gunshots, and she reflexively ran away from Feng Shengxi's side, and then crashed into someone's arms. After seeing who the person in front of him was, Gu Xiaoxiao was confused again.

Gu Ran? Isn't he tied up? How to get off?

Although Feng Shengxi fell, the gun was still in her hand. Gu Ran blocked Gu Xiaoxiao and led her to run to a safe place. When the gunshot sounded again, his facial features were wrinkled and his eyes closed, feeling that he was leaving the world.

After a few seconds, Gu Ran slowly opened his eyes. Because there was no pain in the body, it was not him who was shot.

Looking back, Feng Shengxi's gun hand had been abandoned. And Chu Lin and Chu Yichen also appeared in the living room. People who have been waiting outside broke in.

Chu Lin walked to Feng Shengxi and kicked the gun that had fallen on the ground. She just wanted to shoot her in the head, but unfortunately, she still remembered that she owed Bai Yingjie a favor, so she reluctantly aimed at her wrist.

Looking at the person lying on the ground coldly, Chu Lin stepped on her hand and looked in other directions casually.

Feng Shengxi regretted it. She recovered and realized that when she saw Gu Xiaoxiao, she should have shot her.

Shen Qianyun and others were loosened and sent out of the house safely. But the two children are still in a coma. Even though there was such a big noise in the room, I didn't wake up, which made the adults nervous.

The doctor checked the conditions of the two of them and said something that made them breathe a sigh of relief.

"The effect of the drug, the child has no problem, and he will be able to wake up in two hours."

Gu Xiaoxiao leaned limply in Chu Yichen's arms, covering his mouth with one hand, not wanting to say anything.

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