Feng Shengxi was pressed over, and when he passed by Gu Xiaoxiao, he said a strange smile on his face.

"It won't end so easily, you will definitely die today."

Her words made Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen frowned. The two looked at each other and felt that something was not right. Because Feng Shengxi's tone was too affirmative, what else is she waiting for?

Just as the two guessed, the scene became chaotic again. The gunshots that sounded one after another made Gu Xiaoxiao tremble. In panic, she saw Su Zhiying's figure in the crowd...

Su Zhiying appeared with Bai Ziluo, why are they here?

Gu Xiaoxiao's gaze fell on Su Zhiying's body, and Su Zhiying also saw her at this time.

When the sights collided, time seemed to stop. Gu Xiaoxiao saw Su Zhiying's smile. She smiled very softly, just like the person who used to be.

The enemy's attack was too sudden. They accurately seized the moment when Gu Xiaoxiao and others relaxed their vigilance, and hit them by surprise.

The scene has already been sealed off, how did these people get in?

"Protect Xiaoxiao and the boss! People are coming for them!"

In the rain of bullets, Gu Xiaoxiao heard Su Zhiying's voice. She couldn't see anything, because she was protected by Chu Yichen in her arms. She clutched Chu Yichen's clothes tightly, tears couldn't help falling.

The scene was chaotic, but it seemed very quiet. Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't cry, not because of fear, but because of that person's words.

The troublemakers were soon outnumbered. Because there are really too many people called by Chu Yunfei and Bai Anqing today. Moreover, they are also the best in each team.

They were either shot dead or caught soon. The gunfire disappeared little by little, and there was a strange silence. No one said anything, people were watching their surroundings vigilantly, for fear that someone else would suddenly jump out.

"Take all the people away!" Chu Lin shouted sharply, his eyes full of murderousness. She already guessed what these people came from.

The suspects were escorted into the car one by one, even if they were dead bodies. Gu Xiaoxiao's legs were a little weak, and she nodded while listening to Chu Yichen's whisper in her ear.

"Okay, let's go home..."

Step by step towards the car not far away, Gu Xiaoxiao turned around to look for other people.

How is the child? How's grandma?

When seeing everyone safe and sound, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that God really pity her.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a figure, and the man ran towards her quickly. Gu Xiaoxiao looked over in surprise, and Chu Yichen also looked vigilantly. Then they saw Su Zhiying.

The moment Su Zhiying fell to the ground, Gu Xiaoxiao was completely stunned.

People's worries are justified. Since the other party can put people in their team, they will also leave a way for themselves.

There is one more fish caught.

The fish aimed at Gu Xiaoxiao's direction with the gun in his hand. But it was no one else who blocked the bullet for her in front of Gu Xiaoxiao. It was Su Zhiying that made her life dim to despair during this period.

"It... Ying?"

Gu Xiaoxiao staggered forward and was stopped by Chu Yichen. Chu Yichen was worried that other accidents would happen, but Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't take care of that much.

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