Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1853: Evidence that killed Gu Wanting

The **** people are living well in the world, but the **** people are already separated from each other.

Gu Xiaoxiao lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, wondering how things would turn out like this. From which step we started, it is destined to cause such a tragedy today.

Gu Xiaoxiao stayed awake all night, and Chu Yichen was not like that. At dawn the next day, Gu Xiaoxiao left the room and went to see Shen Qianyun and the others.

After experiencing what happened yesterday and hearing the words of Gu Xiaoxiao and Feng Shengxi, it is impossible for them not to question the real cause of Gu Wanting's death. Gu Xiaoxiao expected this, and now there is no need to hide it.

Chu Yichen said that Su Zhiying sent him an email, which was set up in advance and sent automatically by the system. The content of the email was her conversation with Feng Shengxi. During the conversation between the two, Gu Wanting's name was mentioned several times.

The truth of the matter is the same as they had guessed before.

Feng Shengxi and Gu Wanting had known each other a long time ago, and they had a good relationship. She secretly changed the antidepressant medication Gu Wanting was taking, and lied in front of Bai Anqing, so that the old man who didn't agree with Bai Yingjie and Gu Wanting to be together, had an extremely bad impression of Gu Wanting. That's why I would use whatever means to kill the child in her stomach and keep her away from Bai Yingjie. Gu Wanting later suffered an outbreak of depression and jumped off the building to his death.

What Su Zhiying gave to Chu Yichen was considered evidence, but not enough to be used as evidence. It’s been too many years, and it’s impossible to produce conclusive evidence that can be moved to the stage. However, everyone including Gu Xiaoxiao has not thought about going through legal procedures, from Feng Shengxi’s What to get back and what to punish her.

Right now, there are too many ways to kill her.

"Grandma, grandpa, and uncle, what happened yesterday was in the final analysis because of me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be involved in it. I'm really sorry for making you frightened."

"Silly boy, what are you talking about?" Shen Qianyun frowned and shook his head. Everyone really saw the person who really scared him yesterday or Gu Xiaoxiao himself. Especially, the dead girl...

Shen Qianyun remembered her and knew she was Gu Xiaoxiao's friend. Gu Xiaoxiao has always been delicate, so Shen Qianyun can probably guess how sad she is now.

Leaving Shen Qianyun's side, Gu Xiaoxiao went downstairs to see the two children. And downstairs, she saw Chu Lin, who had not come back last night.

Su Zhiying's words were right. It seemed that Chu Lin had really forgotten her. Her emotions did not fluctuate in the slightest because of her death. In Chu Lin's eyes, the dead Su Zhiying was just a stranger who died in the line of duty.

This fact made Gu Xiaoxiao extremely sad. Su Zhiying is such a greedy person, but she left all her property to Chu Lin. She had long regarded Chu Lin as a relative, and treated it like a mother...

"Xiao Xiao, are you okay?" Chu Lin asked Gu Xiaoxiao with a pale face, and she kept staring at her with tears still faintly in her eyes.

"It's okay." Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head quickly and said with a strong smile: "Auntie, when can you take a vacation, let's go out and relax."

Chu Lin was startled for a moment, but she didn't expect that she would make such a request.

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