Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1854: Auntie didn't come this month

"It's been busy recently, so I will probably wait until the next year."

"Okay, wait for a few years." Gu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and smiled gently, holding back the tears in her eyes.

Yesterday's incident was so violent. Although the media did not report it, there are still many people who know it. Li Youran is one of them.

The Chu family and the Bai family had deployed so many people, and Jiang Sheng was in City B, so he would definitely know about this in the first place. Knowing the relationship between Li Youran and Gu Xiaoxiao, for the sake of Li Youran's safety, he only told Li Youran the truth after everything fell to the ground.

Li Youran woke up early in the morning and rushed to Chu's house after hearing the news. I looked up and down Gu Xiaoxiao several times, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her unharmed.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her worrying about herself, and her mood was even more complicated. Now the person she really should care about is Chu Yixuan...

What is Chu Yixuan's current situation? Is he out of danger? Is there any accurate information? All things piled up together, it really made Gu Xiaoxiao upset and crazy.

"When such a big thing happened, Chu Yixuan's phone was still turned off. I was really angry!" Li Youran mentioned Chu Yixuan's name, causing Gu Xiaoxiao's heart to sink. "When he comes back, I must ask him to settle the accounts!"

"It's not a big deal. With so many people in the family, why have to call him back from Guangzhou?" Gu Xiaoxiao said nervously, "Just wait for your own bride with peace of mind. Don't think so much."

"The bride..." Li Youran repeated these three words in a low voice, then stuck out his tongue and smiled slyly.

There are only two people in the house, she and Gu Xiaoxiao, so she can say some words.

"Xiao Xiao... There is something, I think... it seems something is wrong."

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiaoxiao's heart was hanging in the air, for fear that she was suspicious of Chu Yixuan's whereabouts.

"Yes, that..." Li Youran hesitated, her eyes erratic, and she dared not look at Gu Xiaoxiao. After babbling for a long time, it finally came to the point of the matter. "My aunt this month, did not come."

Gu Xiaoxiao was silent for a few seconds, her eyes widened sharply, and she stood up from the bed suddenly, staring at Li Youran incredulously. Li Youran's face flushed, and she didn't know what to say.

"It's been a week, and I don't know what's going on..." She drooped her head and said in a low voice with courage.

"What else is going on!" There was finally something to make people happy. Gu Xiaoxiao raised her mouth and grabbed Li Youran's hand and asked, "Have you not been to the hospital yet? I will accompany you there in the afternoon!"

"No need, I'm not sure if it is..."

"It is because I am not sure that I have to go to the hospital! This kind of thing is sloppy!"

"But you just..."

"I'm fine, really." Gu Xiaoxiao's words didn't match her red and swollen eyes at all. She pretended to watch Li Youran smile with ease, and she felt very distressed. "It just so happened that Xiao Xi was there. I think she would be happy to be with me and accompany you to the hospital."

The number of times that Li Youran and Chu Yixuan had a relationship was only so many times. In the first few times, Chu Yixuan forced her to take contraceptives, so it is possible that she was pregnant with a child, that is, the next two times.

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