Li Youran also had nothing to do to come up with such a bad idea. Fortunately, Jiang Sheng still cared about her, and the servants in the family did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent her to the hospital. Therefore, she is now in the same building with Chu Yixuan, and Li Youran is happy when she thinks of this.

Gu Xiaoxiao guessed the abacus in her heart, and couldn't bear to complain any more.

"Xiao Xi, you go call home and tell them they are all right."

The two of them just ran out, Chu Yichen and the others also had to worry.

"Okay." Chu Xiaoxi gritted his teeth and pinched Li Youran's cheek to report safety. Gu Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at the strange Li Youran, not crying or laughing.

"Don't take it as an example, or I won't pay attention to you again!"

"Good, good, let's not take it as an example." Li Youran kindly hugged Gu Xiaoxiao and whispered: "You know, my dad is not that easy to deceive, so I called you in order to be more serious about the trick. ...I miss you too. I have been locked up for several days, and you don't want to see me."

"Don't act like a baby with me. I can go to your house if I want."

Gu Xiaoxiao also knew that Li Youran needed someone to accompany him, but Jiang Sheng refused to agree. What could she do?

"I will stay here with you tonight, don't worry."

"I knew you were the best." Li Youran pursed her lips and held her without letting go. When Chu Xiaoxi came back, the two still stood and hugged each other.

"If it weren't for your dad's leadership, I would have to pinch your face swollen today." Coming over, Chu Xiaoxi gritted his teeth and said, "It must be a waste of brain cells to come up with such a bad idea. ?"

"Hey, I thought about it for a long time."

"You're so embarrassed to say!" Chu Xiaoxi sighed with a stern look at her. "I went out to buy something, and my stomach was a little empty when I was troubled by you. What snacks do you want? I bought them."

When he went out and went downstairs, Chu Xiaoxi met Bai Ziluo at the gate impartially.

"Oh, why are you here?" Looking at Bai Ziluo suspiciously, Chu Xiaoxi felt that something was wrong. What does Li Youran's stomachache have to do with him?

"My friend is hospitalized, come and take a look." Bai Ziluo replied calmly: "What about you, why are you here?"

"Oh, my friend is hospitalized..." Chu Xiaoxi was still a little concerned about stealing his answer.

Bai Ziluo's friend, shouldn't be ordinary? Could it be that there are some big people living in this hospital?

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoxiao is here, do you want to meet her?"

"Um... well, I'll call her later." Bai Ziluo nodded and entered the hospital quickly. First, he went upstairs to look at Chu Yixuan, and then dialed Gu Xiaoxiao's number.

It was quiet at night, and only Gu Xiaoxiao and Li Youran were left in the ward. Although it was a luxurious ward, there were only two beds after all, so Chu Xiaoxi was persuaded to go back.

Li Youran couldn't sleep, and so did Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Xiao Xiao, I want to see him."

"Let's go, I'll accompany you." opened the quilt and sat up, "Isn't you here just to have a look at him? What are you waiting for."

The days of not seeing Chu Yixuan were extremely suffering for Li Youran. She felt that she was going crazy, as long as she closed her eyes, her head was filled with Chu Yixuan's voice and smile, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of it.

Want to look at him, want to hug him, want to never separate from him again.

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