Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1878: If you don’t wake up, give your child away

Outside Li Youran's ward, someone sent by Jiang Sheng was guarded. Seeing them two come out together, I immediately asked what was going on.

"It's okay, I just can't sleep. I want to come out and walk around and get some air." Li Youran said angrily: "Don't follow me, trouble!"

She said that, it must not work. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the embarrassed Nie Hai and Mu Junfan, and said helplessly: "We two go upstairs and have a look. If you want to follow, just follow."

The two had protected Li Youran for so long, and they knew a little about Li Youran. After understanding Gu Xiaoxiao's meaning, she followed them to the top floor, and stopped outside Chu Yixuan's ward.

Gu Xiaoxiao went in with Li Youran, and only glanced at the person on the bed, and felt unbearable.

She is like this, what kind of pain should she feel when she is replaced by Li Youran?

Gu Xiaoxiao was in a heavy mood, standing on the side looking at the pipes in Chu Yixuan, silent.

Li Youran sat on the edge of the bed, reached out her hand and gently touched his face, and then tears fell.

"Xiao Xiao, you said... If he just keeps sleeping like this and can't wake up, then what should I do."

Staring at Chu Yixuan's facial features, Li Youran was emotionally broken. The days went on like this, but his condition did not improve at all.

"I'm so scared. If he stays in a coma, my dad will definitely not let the baby in my dad's stomach be born."

Gu Xiaoxiao believed what Li Youran said, and didn't have any doubts. If Chu Yixuan kept lying down like this, then I'm afraid the marriage contract between him and Li Youran would also be invalidated.

"You Ran, you should be the one who believes in him the most right now." Although Gu Xiaoxiao felt nervous in her heart, she still had to say what she should persuade. "Don't say such frustrating words, he can hear it. He must be too tired, so he wants to rest a few more days."

"If you can really hear it, that's fine. I don't do anything every day, just sit here and scold him so that he used to be so fierce to me." Li Youran wiped away the tears and poked his thin cheek.

"Chu Yixuan, wake up. If you don't wake up again, I will give your child away. I will let him follow someone else's last name, so you can only look anxious."

Li Youran knew that he didn't care about himself, so she knew not to threaten herself. But his child, he always wants it.

Gu Xiaoxiao watched her sitting there all the time talking to herself, and the circles under her eyes turned red unknowingly. This kind of scene is most uncommon, so Gu Xiaoxiao walked out quietly and gave the room to the two of them.

In the corridor, I don't know when there was an extra person. The first time Gu Xiaoxiao came out, he saw Chu Yichen standing not far away. I walked over with surprise and joy, looked up at him, and asked in a low voice: "Why are you here?"

"If you can't sleep, just come and have a look." Chu Yichen held her coat in his hand, frowned and put it on her, and glanced at Chu Yixuan's direction. "Yoran is inside?"

"Well, let's go to the side and talk."

The two walked to the end of the corridor, and Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen with a little apologetic smile. "Sorry, I just ran out like that, and I didn't call you a single call. I must be worried about it."

"It's fine if I know, I will ask you to settle the account later." Chu Yichen still frowned slightly after rubbing her hair. He seldom frowned, which shows that today's mood is indeed not very good.

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