Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1885: I won’t worry you again

"My pleasure!"

Li Youran is crazy, how can this person's mouth be so bad? He was not like this before!

Chu Yixuan pursed his mouth and smiled, raising his hand to wipe her tears.

"do not Cry."

Sitting beside Li Youran, Chu Yixuan leaned forward and lay on the bed.

Li Youran thought he was tired and uncomfortable, so she looked at it worriedly. Unexpectedly, he stretched his arm and pulled her over.

With ears pressed to his chest, Li Youran became more cautious in breathing as he listened to the pounding heartbeat.

"Sorry, I worried you." After a while, she heard Chu Yixuan's voice again. "I will not do it again."

Chu Yixuan felt a little strange while stroking her hair gently.

Between him and Li Youran, it was just as everyone had seen. Li Youran has always been chasing, he is running. But when he woke up today, the first person he wanted to see turned out to be her. Looking back now, it made him feel a little weird.

"Did you really hurt your head?" Li Youran slowly raised her head and looked at him. "Otherwise, why would you apologize to me."

Chu Yixuan couldn't laugh or cry, some couldn't keep up with her brain circuit.

"What the **** is going on with you? Didn't you say that you returned to Guangzhou? How can you get hurt?" Before he could answer to herself, Li Youran asked again: "Have you seen a doctor since you woke up? I'll give it to you. Would you like to see a doctor?"

"Didn't you see it just now?"

"Just now?" Li Youran thought for a moment, and suddenly realized. "That woman, is the doctor?!"

"Well, the attending doctor."

Chu Yixuan nodded, surprised Li Youran.

How did that young man get into the position of the attending doctor? When she came here last time, the doctor she saw was an uncle. When did she switch to this one?

"It's okay, you can go home after a short rest." Chu Yixuan continued: "I heard you have been with me in the hospital these days?"

"Otherwise?" Li Youran asked irritably, "If you have three long and two short, I will be a widow!"

"No one knows about our marriage, what are you afraid of." Chu Yixuan asked with a silent smile.

"No one knows! I'm a face-saving person!"

What Li Youran said didn't even know her heart. If she really wanted face, how could she have been running behind him, using all her nasty tricks. Needless to say, she felt ashamed in retrospect.

"Yeah." Chu Yixuan followed her words and said, "Yes, it's a face-saving person."

Chu Yixuan's words made Li Youran even more embarrassed. He was obviously mocking himself, and she was not stupid, how could she not be able to hear it!

They hugged and lay on the bed, and no one continued to speak for a while. Five or six minutes later, when the door was knocked, Li Youran struggled to sit up and escaped from Chu Yixuan's arms.

The person who came in was the beautiful woman who had just been with Chu Yixuan. She put on a white coat and looked like a doctor.

Behind her, several people followed. One of them is the uncle doctor in Li Youran's memory.

It didn't take long for Chu Yixuan to wake up, almost ten minutes before Li Youran arrived at the hospital. He finally woke up, so these doctors could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

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