Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1886: Won't give up, keep chasing

After checking Chu Yixuan's physical condition, he is recovering very well, and it does not seem to be a major problem.

"Come over and check again in three days, and decide whether to continue after half a month."

"Once a week, can't it?" Chu Yixuan was bargaining with the doctor, and after receiving her cold gaze, he knew there was nothing.

"Today I will stay in the hospital for observation. If I want to go home, I will go back tomorrow."

After asking Chu Yixuan a few words, everyone left. Leave the space again to Chu Yixuan and Li Youran.

Li Youran had already sent a text message to Gu Xiaoxiao when she had just gotten away. Now, she and Chu Yichen should be on their way to and from the hospital.

Chu Yixuan lay on the bed, Li Youran leaned against the wall here, far away from him.

In fact, she really wanted to rush to hug him and not let go, but because of Chu Yixuan's trouble today, she felt that she should be more reserved.

"What are you doing standing so far? Come here." Seeing her hiding from herself, Chu Yixuan was a little dissatisfied.

"I'll wash the apples for you."

Li Youran answered the wrong question, and ran out of the room with the fruit, not knowing what he was afraid of. After a while, she came back slowly and handed the apple to Chu Yixuan.

"Chu Yixuan." Sitting on the side of the bed, Li Youran asked in a low voice: "Really, remember who I am?"

Li Youran was still a little worried, because Gu Xiaoxiao had amnesia before and had seen how difficult it was for Chu Yichen at that time. So Li Youran was afraid.

She knew that she had little weight in Chu Yixuan's heart, or it could be said that she had almost no weight. If you forget everything, it's actually quite simple.

"If I really forget, what will you do?"

The topic seems to have returned to just now, but this time, Li Youran did not ignore or escape.

"What else..." She lowered her head discouragedly, "Continue to chase shamelessly. Anyway, after chasing for so long, it's almost as old as the old man."

Besides, he still has his child in his stomach, and others dare not want her.

Chu Yixuan smiled softly, and squeezed her soft face with his hand. After looking closely, she found that she was almost a lap thinner than when he left.

I want to know that she must be worried while he is away. He would be shot and admitted to the hospital, which was also unexpected by Chu Yixuan.

"Chu Yixuan, you don't want to do such dangerous things in the future, okay." Li Youran begged, "If you have this kind of thing in the future, tell me and I will let my dad help you push it away."

Li Youran didn't know that this task was given by Jiang Sheng himself. And Chu Yixuan did not want her to know.

Chu Yixuan silently rejected her request. Because of this promise, he really couldn't say it.

"Be careful in the future, don't worry."

"You..." Li Youran was uncomfortable with anger. "Xiaoxiao is right, I have nothing to say with your kind of wood bumps!"

Gu Xiaoxiao once said that no matter how much they say and do, it is of little use to people like Chu Yixuan and Chu Lin. They will still be able to pick up tasks, but they will still be in danger. What they can do is to stand behind them and provide support.

Chu Yixuan smiled faintly at her look anxious and annoyed.

"Dark circles are so heavy, did you sleep well last night?"

"Sleep well." Li Youran retorted, "I took a lot of red envelopes this morning."

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