"He doesn't want Yuran?!" Gu Xiaoxiao turned around, leaning on the railing of the stairs and looking at Chu Yichen, and asked in a low voice: "There is nothing to do, why didn't he go to You Ran? What's so good about TV newspapers?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was full of doubts, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. Chu Yichen couldn't help but looked at her with a smile and said, "What are you, the emperor is not in a hurry?"

"Who is the emperor? Who is the eunuch?" Gu Xiaoxiao stared at him dissatisfiedly, "How do you know the emperor is not in a hurry? Maybe Youran is so anxious at home that she is about to cry?"

As soon as Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Chu Yichen walked downstairs. Gu Xiaoxiao saw this and quickly grabbed him.

"Why are you going?"

"Go and beat him to vent your anger?"

"Don't come to this set with me!" Gu Xiaoxiao glared at him, but the anger in her heart still remained. Pull him to the direction of the bedroom.

The two are upstairs, and Chu Yixuan is downstairs. Although I noticed their pulling and whispering conversations, but they only regarded them as making trouble, and didn't think of themselves at all.

Back to the room, Gu Xiaoxiao's voice was slightly amplified.

"Are you guys all like this? The same thing before marriage and the same after marriage?!"

"Who said that?" Chu Yichen was wronged, "Am I treating you badly?"

After thinking for a while, he continued, "Moreover, Chu Yixuan looked the same before and after his marriage. Hasn't he always been indifferent to Li Youran?"

Chu Yichen's words made Gu Xiaoxiao feel a little irrefutable and speechless, because what he said was the truth...

"But Youran is pregnant now! Why is he still that virtuous!"

"He was born with that virtue." Chu Yichen smiled and hugged her to bed with a good temper. Touched her chubby belly and soothed: "Okay, don't get angry about the two of them. If you want Yuran to come over, I'll go back and remind him so that he can pick him up."

Chu Yichen didn't want to intervene in the affairs of the two of Chu Yixuan. But my wife is not happy, this is a very serious matter.

"Don't remind! Let him regret it!"

Gu Xiaoxiao let out a cold snort and gritted his teeth. But Chu Yichen, who was on the side, heard Sui Duan from it.

regret? I haven't seen it for a few days, what can I regret?

Gu Xiaoxiao realized that he had said something wrong. She glanced at Chu Yichen sullenly, poked at him with her hand, and warned seriously: "No bad things, no telling him anything, or I will run away from home and follow my uncle and them back to the United States! "

When Gu Xiaoxiao said this, Chu Yichen was even more sure that something was wrong. He nodded slowly, his mouth raised slightly.

"Baby is what you say, don't worry, I am on your side."

At the critical moment, Chu Yichen would still choose a stand. Therefore, no one mentioned Li Youran's strangeness to Chu Yixuan. He waited until Li Youran took the initiative to contact him, and he discovered that some things had quietly changed at some point...

Li Youran stayed home for three full days. Except for sending two messages to Chu Yixuan every day, she didn't even make a phone call.

That day, just after having breakfast, Li Youran strolled around in the yard. After returning, she watched a movie, and then called Chu Yixuan's phone and asked him to come over, saying that there was something to talk to him.

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