Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1903: Chu Yixuan, do you love me?

Li Youran's tone on the phone made Chu Yixuan feel that something was wrong. Without any hesitation, she immediately drove to Li Youran's residence without knowing what medicine she sold in the gourd.

Li Youran was wrapped in a blanket and sat on the sofa. When Chu Yixuan entered the door, she gave him a gentle glance.

"Uncle Hu, you go back to the room first, I will call you if there is anything."

After Huba moved away, only her and Chu Yixuan were left in the living room.

Li Youran's face was a little pale and haggard. She looked at Chu Yixuan fixedly, without turning her eyes away, and said leisurely.

"There is one thing I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Chu Yixuan walked over and sat down, frowning slightly, and scanned her up and down.

Li Youran is not only in the wrong state, but also in the tone of speaking to him.

I often see him, but one day he is smiling, and he can't push him away with a slimy push? But today, she did not leave, nor did she smile. No matter how dull Chu Yixuan was, he felt strange at this point.

"Chu Yixuan, do you love me?"

Looking straight into Chu Yixuan's eyes, Li Youran asked courageously. She looked at Chu Yixuan for a moment, and then her expression became a little complicated, or it could be said that it was embarrassing, she knew that she was humiliating herself again.

"That's right." She nodded with a wry smile. "You don't even count as liking to me, how can you say love. I should have thought of it, I should have figured it out."

"Why all of a sudden, I remembered asking this?" Chu Yixuan asked suspiciously, "You called me just to ask me this?"

"At the hospital that day, I heard you talking with that doctor."

Li Youran smiled and turned his attention to the TV. There was Zhou Xingchi's movie playing on the screen. Tang Bohu ordered Qiuxiang, a classic movie.

"I heard you say that you did not marry me because you liked me. In fact, I have always known it, but I still feel a little uncomfortable to hear you say this with other women. So these days I haven't seen you, I think a lot at home alone."

"Except for this, didn't hear anything else?"

"Do you think that if I hear this, I still have the intention to continue listening to others?" Li Youran smiled bitterly and glanced at him. "Chu Yixuan, I am not as invulnerable as you think."

"My relationship with her is not the kind you think." Chu Yixuan explained.

"I know, I also understand this. If you like her, then there is nothing wrong with me. But Chu Yixuan, I am still sad. I think I am like a fool who has been following you for so many years , Keep running, keep chasing. Of course, I am also a despicable person. I never asked your wishes from the beginning. I forced you to marry me and forced you to endure everything about me. So think about it now Look, I have nothing to complain about, everything is my fault."

The word Chuan between Chu Yixuan's eyebrows became deeper. His mind can't turn around, because of what Li Youran said.

She had just said that it was correct, and that was that in Chu Yixuan's eyes, she had always been invulnerable. At least after his repeated blows, she never flinched. But today, what happened to her?

Why does she say these things? What else does she want to say?

"You don't know how much I envy Xiao Xiao and Xiao Xi when I am together."

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