Chu Yixuan said nothing, Li Youran continued. She just thought she was talking to herself, vomiting bitterness into the air.

"It's not right. It's not so much envy as it is jealousy. If you treat me, if Chu Yichen is half to Xiaoxiao, no, no, if one third is good, I will be satisfied. But now I find that even if I The requirements are not high, but you can't do it either."

"What on earth are you trying to say?" Chu Yixuan felt a little irritable, and he asked directly, "The topic, what do you really want to say?"

The air solidified at this moment, and Li Youran's breath suffocated, and her hands firmly grasped the blanket.

"The child is gone." She gritted her teeth and said every word. "Our child, no more."

Chu Yixuan's eyes trembled, and he didn't believe her words. But at this time, Li Youran gave him a hospital certificate.

"I went down the stairs yesterday and accidentally fell down. When I got to the hospital, the child could no longer be kept."

Li Youran lowered her head and said slowly, "Without the child, you don't need to treat me anymore. I have already told my dad, let's forget about the two of us getting married. Don't worry. , He will arrange everything. There are few people who know about it, so you will still be single in the future."

Chu Yixuan worked hard and patiently, listening to her finish these words.

He grabbed the certificate from the hospital and kept his sight on Li Youran. But all he could see was Li Youran's downturned face and a sad expression.

I have never felt this way before. Chu Yixuan can't tell what kind of mood he is now. Is it sad? Is it angry? In short, he felt that his breathing was not smooth.

"You told me what happened yesterday. Why didn't you contact me when you were in the hospital."

"What's the use of contacting you? Contacting you, can you return my child to me?" Li Youran raised her head with red eyes, somewhat unable to control her emotions. "Look, you will always be like this, with a calm expression. It seems that no matter what people or things can't get into your eyes."

Chu Yixuan opened his mouth, he wanted to refute. But when the words came to my lips, they still didn't say anything.

Li Youran wept silently, Chu Yixuan looked at her quietly, and after a few minutes, he got up.

Li Youran thought he wanted to leave, but unexpectedly, he came to him and knelt down.

"The child is really gone?"

Squatting in front of Li Youran, he asked softly as he did when he confirmed whether the child really existed that day.

"Really gone." Li Youran replied in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't save your child."

When Li Youran was saying sorry, Chu Yixuan held her somewhat cold hand. He didn't say anything, he just looked at her up close, looked at her sad and helpless, and held her hand. When her body finally stopped shaking, he picked her up and went upstairs.

He sent Li Youran back to the bedroom and put it on the bed. Chu Yixuan stood by the bed and spoke.

"Take a good rest, I will see you tomorrow."

The deep voice makes people unable to hear any emotional fluctuations. Li Youran replied "OK" and watched him leave. After the door was closed, the tears fell again.


Tomorrow, she won't be here anymore.

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