Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1914: His ticket is not back to Guangzhou

The family didn't know anything about such a big event. The child in the belly is one aspect, and Li Youran's special identity is also another aspect. So now Chu Yunfei is furious, it is not without reason.

After dozens of minutes of beating and scolding, the old man was finally tired. Looking at Chu Yixuan panting, "Get me back upstairs, you are not allowed to go anywhere today!"

"Grandpa, I have to go back to work! There are so many things waiting for me!"

"Get out of here! Let them wait! I'll talk about it tomorrow!"

Chu Yunfei stared, and Chu Yixuan was silent.

This is the case in the Chu family, no matter how strong the temper is, it is useless in front of Chu Yunfei. The old man's words are imperial decree in this home, and no one wants to make him unhappy.

Chu Yixuan frowned, sighed heavily, and went upstairs. Chu Xiaoxi and Gu Xiaoxiao looked at each other, winking secretly at her.

The plan was successful.

"You two, come here."

After Chu Yixuan left, Chu Yunfei turned his attention to Gu Xiaoxiao. After calling them aside, ask some detailed questions.

Because he prefers Gu Xiaoxiao on weekdays, Gu Xiaoxiao's answer did not cause him any doubts. After asking a few words, let them leave too.

As if to escape, she went back to the room and locked the door. Gu Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh of relief and patted her heart.

"I was scared to death!" If Chu Xiaoxi hadn't been there just now, she would definitely wear it. "Has Grandpa beat Chu Yichen like this before?"

"Don't worry, your husband is smart, he will hide."

Pulling Gu Xiaoxiao into the room, Chu Xiaoxi happily lay down on the bed.

"By the way, baby, how was your contact with Su Zuonan?"

"He will come to City B tomorrow, saying he wants to talk with me face to face."

"Okay, it's better to talk face-to-face." Chu Xiaoxi twisted and said with a smirk: "Tomorrow you will do everything possible to get him down for me!"

Chu Xiaoxi actually said something misleading, but Gu Xiaoxiao was full of guilt now.

She had known that Chu Yixuan was leaving today, and she also knew that Chu Yixuan was not going back to Guangzhou today. Otherwise, how could she have so much courage to really delay Chu Yixuan's work. How could someone like Chu Yixuan really compromise and let go of work?

His ticket is for Paris. And his goal, eight achievements is for Li Youran.

Gu Xiaoxiao deliberately showed him the picture last time, just to test how much he cares about Li Youran's departure. Unexpectedly, the results are quite satisfactory.

"Xiao Xi, you said... Brother will not be angry if he knows the truth in the future?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked worriedly when she walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Angry? He dares to be angry!" Chu Xiaoxi snorted coldly, "Besides, how can he be angry? He dares to intimidate us, so we will find Grandpa to beat him!"

Gu Xiaoxiao had already fully understood Chu Yixuan's status in the family. In this way, she could slightly understand why Chu Yichen wanted her daughter so persistently.

Chu Yixuan was stunned during the day, and after dinner in the evening, he was criticized by a family meeting. Gu Xiaoxiao has been married to the Chu family for so long, and it is the first time to attend the so-called family meeting.

Seeing everyone accusing Chu Yixuan, Gu Xiaoxiao's guilt became even heavier.

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