Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1915: The worst person is Chu Yichen

"Seriously, what are you thinking about in a meeting?"

Chu Yichen found her strange, approached her ear, and asked with a voice that only two of them could hear.

Gu Xiaoxiao trembled, because he was not only asking questions, but also bit her ear mischievously.

Gu Xiaoxiao gave him an irritated look, but Gu Xiaoxiao said nothing. Chu Yichen smiled silently, leaning on the sofa with her arms around her, and admiring Chu Yixuan's tragic situation comfortably.

The family meeting finally ended, and everyone went back to their rooms. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yichen's good mood, and felt that he was really bad.

Why did she know Chu Yixuan's itinerary today? It's all because of the person in front of you!

It was Chu Yichen who told her that Chu Yixuan was going to France today. It was Chu Yichen who asked her to find Xiao Xi and ruin Chu Yixuan's good deeds!

The bad guys let them both do it, but he looks like a good guy. He just patted Chu Yixuan on the shoulder to show his comfort. It's... too bad!

"Since my eldest brother is interested in looking for Youran, why are you stopping him?" Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking, seeing Chu Yichen's at ease.

"Am I?" Chu Yichen looked innocent. "I'm helping him."

"A ghost believes you!"

"Isn't it?" Chu Yichen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at Gu Xiaoxiao. "Even if he goes to France, he can't find Li Youran, right? If that's the case, why should he go there to waste time?"

Chu Yichen was full of confidence between the lines, as if he already knew where Li Youran was.

Gu Xiaoxiao has not mentioned the location of Li Youran to anyone except Chu Xiaoxi now. So Chu Yichen was so upset.

Chu Yichen stretched out his hand and pulled Gu Xiaoxiao into her arms, her fingers wrapped around her long hair, and his voice coaxed in a low voice: "Is there any reward for helping you like this?"

"What do you want?" Gu Xiaoxiao squinted at him, "Besides, what did you do for me?"

"Isn't it a help to secretly reveal such important secrets to you? Is my position firm enough?"

Gu Xiaoxiao chuckled and was amused by him. Nodded slowly, agreeing with him.

"Then you say, what do you want."

"You." Chu Yichen's eyes flashed, and he pasted it. The hands began to be irregular.

In two months, the child in this belly will come out. For the sake of Gu Xiaoxiao, she must not be touched for a few months after the operation. and so……

The desire and hope in his eyes became more and more obvious, and Chu Yichen was condescending, looking at Gu Xiaoxiao with scorching eyes.

His naked eyes and answers made Gu Xiaoxiao even unable to pretend to be stupid. Pursing her lips, she turned her head aside. "When I look back, I will file a complaint with Big Brother and see how he cleans up you."

"You won't." Chu Yichen smiled and lowered her head, holding her small earlobe. "Why are you willing to watch me being bullied."

The gentle and gentle tone made people feel softer involuntarily. His slender and dexterous fingers had already slipped into Gu Xiaoxiao's clothes. Along the bulging abdomen, to the chest, provoking her sensitive nerves.


A weak moan in a quiet room made the atmosphere more ambiguous.

Gu Xiaoxiao catered to him subconsciously, and his clothes had quietly fallen to the ground while his lips and teeth were entangled.

The sly tip of the tongue followed the auricle all the way down to the collarbone, and gnawed gently.

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