Along the way, Li Youran didn't say a word. But it can be seen that she is very nervous.

Nie Hai and Mu Junfan looked at each other silently, both with expressions not knowing what to do.

I dare not hit Li Youran, and don’t know how to calm Li Youran’s broken heart after a while...

When the car stopped at the school gate, Li Youran took a deep breath and persuaded.

"Nie Hai... why don't you two go and help me see?" Not dare to face reality, Li Youran felt that her legs were soft.

"Neither of us understand English, neither of us understand."

"Don't bluff me!" Li Youran retorted with a frown. "Others don't know, don't I know? You two speak better English than me! And it's just a name. What can't you understand?"

Nie Hai smiled quietly, and Li Youran's teeth were itchy.

"Okay! I'll go and see for myself, what's so great!"

With a cold snort, Li Youran slammed the door and left. Walking slowly to the bulletin board, she saw from a distance that many people were already there.

Among the crowd, only a few people were excited and happy, and the rest were depressed and sad. Seeing this picture, Li Youran didn't dare to move forward.

"What are you doing stupidly standing here?"

Shen Linsheng's voice suddenly came from behind, frightening Li Youran. When her body became stiff, she turned her head to look, and pulled the corner of her mouth far-fetched.

"You, why are you here?"

"I will get results today. Come and see if my friend has passed the exam."

Li Youran looked at him with a calm smile, knowing that the friend in his words meant himself.

After swallowing, Li Youran asked cautiously: "Then...did you go to the list?"

"Not yet, I just arrived. Let's go together."

When he ran into him, Li Youran was too embarrassed to dodge again. Hanging in the air, my heart went straight to a crowded place. Squeezed through the people. Anxiously looking for his name on the white paper.


When Li Youran saw a certain line, she took a breath and couldn't believe her name.

Is it her? Did she read it right? There should be no one with the same name as her, right?


Shen Linsheng's smiling voice came again. In fact, he had arrived long ago and he knew she had been admitted. Waiting here just to look happy to see her for the first time.

Li Youran opened her mouth slightly to look at Shen Linsheng, her expression still in disbelief.

He looked at the person in front of him, and then went to the list next to him. It took a while before she found her voice.

"I... I was admitted...?!"

"Yes, you were admitted."

"I was admitted... I was admitted indeed!!"

The mood switch, only in an instant. Li Youran jumped up ecstatically, then thought of something, and stood on the ground peacefully again, smirking at Shen Linsheng.

"I can pass the entrance examination, you helped me a lot! Tell me, what do you want to eat today? Don't be polite with me, choose whatever you want!"

"Susan should be celebrating for you?" Shen Linsheng kindly reminded, "It's better to eat at home, and we will go out alone another day."

"That's fine, I'm just calling her to announce the good news!"

After calling Susan, Li Youran couldn't wait to tell the domestic Gu Xiaoxiao and Shen Qianyun the good news.

Without Shen Qianyun's help, she would never have been able to make this step.

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