Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1928: Boss? How did you come!

The time to apply for the exam started six months ago. If Shen Qianyun were not there, she wouldn't even have the qualifications for the exam.

In the evening, everyone gathered at Susan's house to hold a celebration party for Li Youran. Even Susan's daughter and son came back from the city next door deliberately, leaving Li Youran both surprised and shy.

On lively occasions, Li Youran kept laughing all night. She felt like she was dreaming that she was admitted to the university she dreamed of.

After this time, she would never look down on those "nerds" again. The ghost knows how difficult it is to read and learn!

"Ding Dong~"

The doorbell rang again, and everyone at the table looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing who came.

"Is there any friend who hasn't been there?" Susan asked suspiciously. After seeing everyone shook their heads, they got up and walked towards the door.

"Nie Hai, follow along and see."

Li Youran ordered, Nie Hai nodded and followed Susan.

The door opened, and there was a stranger standing outside.

Susan frowned and looked at him, but didn't mean to open the door completely.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

Before the people outside the door answered, Susan heard the people behind him take a breath.

"Old, boss? Why are you here?!"

Susan only opened the door a bit, but from the crack in the door, Nie Hai still clearly saw the people outside the door.

Chu Yixuan...he actually found this place.

"Open the door."

A lukewarm voice came through the door panel. Nie Hai knew that he was speaking to himself.

Panicking turned his head and looked inside the room, Li Youran was still sitting in a chair and didn't know what was going on, talking and laughing with Shen Linsheng who was holding the cup.


Nie Hai wailed secretly in his heart, Chu Yixuan would not dare to provoke him, so he quickly explained to Susan in a low voice and asked Susan to open the door.

When Susan brought Li Youran here, she didn't know she was married. She didn't even know that she had a boyfriend. So Chu Yixuan's arrival made her very puzzled. Because in her opinion, Shen Linsheng is more like Li Youran's boyfriend.

After entering the house, Chu Yixuan and Susan made a brief introduction of themselves. Since Nie Hai is here, that is to say, Li Youran is definitely there.

The light brightened, and Chu Yixuan's facial features were clearly reflected in Susan's eyes. Looking at this handsome young man, she smiled and welcomed people into the living room enthusiastically.

Li Youran turned her back to the direction of the door, and when she heard the footsteps, she turned her head and looked over curiously. But at this sight, the cup in his hand fell to the ground with a snap, and the person stood up reflexively.

Chu, Chu Yixuan? !

After seeing Chu Yixuan again after two months, Li Youran's first reaction was not surprise, but shock.

She is like a schoolboy who has done something wrong and ran away from home. She was found by her parents when she was worried and nervous. Whether she will be beaten or scolded is what she cares about most at the moment.

Chu Yixuan frowned when she looked at her as if she had seen a ghost.

Li Youran didn't see him just now, but he saw her every move clearly.

A moment ago, he was still happy with the man beside him, and then, the next moment, he faced himself with this expression of fear. How could this make Chu Yixuan feel comfortable?

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