Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1957: Do you want to sleep with me?

Chu Yixuan looked at her solemnly and said, making Li Youran's eyes widened.

She did such a shameful thing? How come there is no impression at all?

Working hard to think about whether he had a dream last night and whether it was a spring dream, Li Youran dare not speak.

After Chu Yixuan finished speaking, he got up. The naked body instantly caught Li Youran's eyes.


She exclaimed and took a breath, but Li Youran's eyes didn't mean to divert her gaze at all.

Staring straight at Chu Yixuan, she even seemed to drool.

Li Youran smiled stupidly while lying on the bed. Chu Yixuan was a little uncomfortable being seen by her, and threw one of her clothes over. When Li Youran hurriedly removed the obstacles from his head, he had already put on his underwear.


Muttering to himself, Li Youran really didn't see enough. Sitting up to watch him finish putting on his clothes, she smiled and asked, "You all reacted, do you want to sleep with me?"

Chu Yixuan glanced at her indifferently and walked to the bathroom.

"A man's normal reaction to getting up early is someone who is about to go to college. Don't you even know this common sense?"

Between the lines, the words are full of disdain.

Li Youran felt ashamed and embarrassed, and wanted to win a round. He jumped out of the bed wrapped in his clothes and waited at the bathroom door. When he came out, he asked jokingly: "Speaking of which, you didn't do anything to me last night, it seems...and didn't have any reaction."

"What do you want to say?" Chu Yixuan squinted his eyes slightly, waiting for the words behind her.

"Are you...nothing?"

Li Youran said astonishingly, he had already recovered the spirit of fear of death.

Chu Yixuan raised his brows lightly, and didn't intend to perfuse this matter.

Which man is willing to be said no? Especially women.

With a slow smile, Chu Yixuan replied with a "good temper": "Is it okay, let you know now."

As soon as the voice fell, he dragged Li Youran to the bed, turning Li Youran's face into discoloration.

Pushed down on the bed, Li Youran's heart was about to jump out of her throat.

"Don't make trouble, Professor them must all be up!"

"The professor is here. Our husband and wife haven't seen each other for so long. Xiaobie wins newlyweds. Even if she doesn't go downstairs all morning, she won't say anything."

It seemed that Chu Yixuan really didn't intend to let her go, Li Youran was anxious and panicked, and used the strength of the milk to push him.

"Chu Yixuan, I was wrong, you let me go."

Constantly begging for mercy, the nightgown tightly wrapped around her body was torn apart, and the cool air touched her shoulders, which made Li Youran a little more sober.

"When I talked to that, I didn't expect the consequences now?"

"I'm joking, you can do it, you can do it!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yixuan was so concerned about this matter, and Li Youran would almost regret it.

Chu Yixuan lowered his head, still didn't plan to let her go so easily.

Biting her lips, like punishment, slightly hard.

Li Youran snorted to express his dissatisfaction. He pried away her teeth and did what he wanted to do last night.

His lips and teeth entangled, and even the air gradually heated up.

Slowly put his hand into her clothes. The lips and tongue came to her neck and brushed her ears.

"Chu Yixuan..."

Li Youran has no strength at all, even calling his name seems to be groaning/groaning.

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