Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1958: Are you living here these days?

I thought I really couldn't escape today, but I didn't expect that after Chu Yixuan bit her neck hard, he slowly let go of her.

Li Youran exclaimed again, because it really hurts to be bitten.

Chu Yixuan looked at her vindictively and stood up a little frightened.

"I'm going down first."

Leaving Li Youran in the room alone, Chu Yixuan really opened the door and left. Li Youran was in shock, and after sitting up for two minutes, she realized what had happened.

He is teasing himself...

When did this man become like this...

Li Youran couldn't laugh or cry, put on his clothes and washed and went downstairs. Susan and the others have already made breakfast. When Li Youran went down, everyone was waiting for her.

A little embarrassed to sit down, after eating, Li Youran had nothing to do. Usually at this time, she may have to go back upstairs and lie down for a while, or read calligraphy and painting, but today Chu Yixuan is here, she doesn't want to waste time at all.

"Go for a walk."

Chu Yixuan took the initiative to propose, and Li Youran naturally nodded happily. He followed him out happily, and Nie Hai and Mu Junfan sighed with relief.

They haven't seen Li Youran for a long time.

Driving around in the car, the two of them had no purpose at all. After a big circle outside, it quickly reached noon. Li Youran was a little hungry, so she touched her abdomen and watched him silently.



She answered happily, Chu Yixuan sighed lightly, eating here is really troublesome. He doesn't like western food, but even if there are Chinese restaurants here, the taste is much worse than that in China. So sometimes, he would rather not eat.

Taking Li Youran to find food, after eating and drinking, Li Youran soon became sleepy.

"Chu Yixuan, will you still go to my place to sleep tonight?" Turning his head to look at the people next to him, Li Youran hesitated and asked, "Where did you live before?"

He has been here for so long, she doesn't even know where he lives.

"Want to go see?"

"Yes!" Li Youran nodded quickly, and Chu Yixuan quickly started the car, but the way forward was Professor Susan's home.

Looking at the familiar street, Li Youran frowned.

"Why are you sending me back? Didn't you say to go where you live?"

When the car was parked on the street, Li Youran did not want to get off the car, but wanted to spend more time with him. I will report to school tomorrow, and I will definitely not be as leisurely as today.

Chu Yixuan didn't say a word, got out of the car first, went to her side, opened the car door, and dragged her out.

Li Youran was unwilling and a little angry. But after seeing Chu Yixuan's next movement, he was completely stunned.

Chu Yixuan did not walk towards Susan's house, but went into a yard next to him, then took out the key, and opened the door smoothly.

Li Youran followed behind him, confused, and understood for a long while.

"You... have lived here these days?!"

This is what Li Youran didn't even think about, how could it be possible? Isn't this a hotel? This house was not empty before, how did he do it?

"Just live here."

After entering the house, Chu Yixuan was in a relaxed state as if he was at home. Pour Li Youran a glass of water, watch her finish drinking, and say: "If you are sleepy, go there for a while, I'll call you."

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