"Do you really live here?!" Li Youran still couldn't believe it, "That..."

"Then what?" Chu Yixuan asked if she stopped halfway through her words.

"Then why did you choose such a place..." Li Youran pressed her lips and asked. "Is it because I know I live in Professor Susan's house, so I live here?"

"If you know, ask."

Chu Yixuan turned on the phone and glanced at her sideways, without denying it, which made Li Youran more happy.

If this is the case, then he must have observed and monitored her without her knowledge!

Li Youran realized that Chu Yixuan really started to care a little about herself, otherwise, why wouldn't he stay in so many hotels!

Coming to the bedroom with a smirk, Li Youran lay on the bed with a pillow for a long time before falling asleep. Chu Yixuan came to look at her half an hour later and saw that she was already asleep very well, so he came to the study and started to work.

In a blink of an eye, the clock pointed to three o'clock. Chu Yixuan rubbed his temples, finished work, and asked Li Youran to get up.

Li Youran opened her eyes reluctantly, and rubbed her eyes after she sat up, still a little confused.

Who is she? Where is she?

Slowly waking up, Li Youran looked at Chu Yixuan with a certain smile, and Chu Yixuan was a little uncomfortable.

The phone rang suddenly, and Li Youran took it out to see that it was Jiang Sheng.

Taking a peek at Chu Yixuan, she coughed and walked to the balcony to pick it up.

Jiang Sheng's eyes are very useful, and it can be seen at a glance that Li Youran is not in the place where he usually lives.

"where are you?"

"Other people's house." Li Youran smiled brightly, she felt that Jiang Sheng today looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

"Who with whom? Nie Hai and the two of them are there?"

"I didn't take them out." Li Youran told the truth, "but..."

She deliberately sold her off, panting and saying: "But don't worry, my safety is guaranteed!"

Jiang Sheng frowned. He knew what his daughter looked like. Since she went to Rome, Jiang Sheng hadn't seen her so happy, even the **** received the admission notice from the school.

"Chu Yixuan is with you?" After wisely guessing the reason, Jiang Sheng sighed after seeing Li Youran nodded.

"Well, take care of yourself."

Without saying anything else, Jiang Sheng quickly hung up the phone.

Chu Yixuan's coming to Italy must be beyond his eyes. What made Chu Yixuan a little grateful was that he didn't stop him from leaving. If he wants to force himself to stay in the country, that is also a very simple matter.

"My dad knows you are here." With the phone and turning to look at the person behind him, Li Youran smiled slightly: "Did you tell him?"

"I don't need to talk about this, he must have thought of it long ago."

Chu Yixuanyun took the matter lightly. The two went downstairs and sat in the living room watching TV. The atmosphere was very harmonious and harmonious, which made Li Youran still a little uncomfortable.

"Oh right." Suddenly sitting up straight, Li Youran thought of something. "You come to me, except for my grandma who knows, everyone else in the house shouldn't know it?"

"should be."

"Then I will call Xiaoxiao. I haven't contacted her for these two days. She should be worried!"

The last time I talked to Gu Xiaoxiao, she still cried pitifully. This time, I dialed Gu Xiaoxiao's phone number again, and Li Youran's voice was filled with joy.

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