Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1961: People who like your paintings, who like you more

"Huh? Really?"

Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, somewhat inconceivable.

Shen Qianyun rarely mentions her and Gu Hongcheng's affairs, and now listening to her talk about it, it must be gossip.

"Grandpa is a law student, how can he not like to talk?"

The lawyer's mouth is the most poisonous. If you don't talk about others, you will know it by looking at Chen Jingyao. She is not a professional lawyer yet, it is enough to make people unable to resist.

"Probably all the words are used in talking to people and negotiating."

"Then grandma, since he talks so little, how did he catch up with you?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was full of curiosity. She knew that Shen Qianyun and Gu Hongcheng weren't arranged for an arranged marriage, and she knew now that Shen Qianyun was definitely super beautiful when she was young. She said that there must be many relatives, so why did she take a look at the "boring gourd" "What?

"Don't talk during dinner."

Shen Qianyun smiled and wanted to stop the topic, but after Gu Xiaoxiao's repeated pleading, he still said something.

She was already a famous painter when she was young. At that time, she had just returned to China and met Gu Hongcheng for the first time at a reception. However, he didn't leave any impression on her at the time, because the two just nodded and drank a sip in the introduction of others.

Later, Shen Qianyun discovered that as long as she held a painting exhibition, Gu Hongcheng would definitely be there. No matter which city or place in China she was in, he would never be absent and would buy her paintings generously.

Shen Qianyun is of course happy when someone appreciates his own work. So when I saw him again, I took the initiative to say hello to him.

She first thanked him for his support, and then curiously asked whether he bought the paintings because he likes to collect them or bought them for the client. But Gu Hongcheng's answer at the time was to completely startle her.

"I like your paintings, I like you more."

This is what Gu Hongcheng said at the time, and Shen Qianyun still remembers it clearly.

Gu Xiaoxiao listened to her recounting the memory, and looked at the small smile on her mouth, and felt really beautiful. I didn’t expect my grandpa to make people happy so sultry, it’s really amazing...

"If you smirk again, the soup will be cold." After finishing the conversation, Shen Qianyun went to wash her fruit. Gu Xiaoxiao smirked and looked at her back, thinking that grandma should be shy.

In the evening, Chu Yichen got off work, sent Shen Qianyun back to the nearby apartment, and then came to the hospital to accompany him.

The two lie on a small bed and watch the news on TV. Gu Xiaoxiao was distracted and interacted with the baby in her belly. He kicked her feet from time to time, and her belly changed its shape.

"Chu Yichen." Turning her head, Gu Xiaoxiao said bitterly, "This is really the last one, I can't have another one!"

"Okay, the last one."

Of course Chu Yichen knew the pain of having a child, and didn't want her to be tortured again.

"My words count! I'm probably going to lose shape if I'm born again. You won't like me then!"

He was straightforward and told the root cause of not wanting to have children. Chu Yichen frowned and squeezed her face.

"In other words, I love you whatever you like."

"Before I became a fat woman, of course you would say that. Then if I were two hundred catties fat, you would not be able to say this."

"Two hundred catties?" Chu Yichen couldn't help but laugh when he heard this number. "Are you sure you really have the ability to eat this weight?"

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