Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1962: what have you done?

It wasn't that Chu Yichen looked down upon her, but her small appetite. It was really impossible to eat 200 catties.

Gu Xiaoxiao also knew that her own words were not convincing in this matter. So he curled his lips, chose to ignore the topic, and turned to continue watching TV.

Evening news, there is still a lot of excitement to see. Gu Xiaoxiao has been free recently and has time to pay attention to some gossip.

She knew that for some domestic companies, especially those in City B, if there was any change in shareholder equity, it would largely be related to Chu Yichen. In addition to domestic and foreign companies, the same is true.

Gu Xiaoxiao has not contacted Longqi Takumi for a long time. Since Su Zhiying's death, Longqi Takumi has only sent her two emails, and she is still lying in her mailbox and hasn't opened them since then. Called her or something.

Gu Xiaoxiao is grateful for Ryugasaki Takumi's not disturbing. And she also knows that Ryugasaki Takumi is not looking for herself now, it is very likely that she has no time to find herself.

It has been more than a year since Chu Yichen wanted to deal with him. The preparatory work has been done enough, so any time Longqi Company is defeated, Gu Xiaoxiao will not be surprised.

What's now broadcast on TV is the news about Longqi Company.

A large number of shares have been acquired by mysterious people. It is interesting that such words appear in the news.

"You did it?"

Although Gu Xiaoxiao used questions, her tone was so sure.

Few people can do this kind of thing, and few people are willing to make enemies with the Long Qi family.

Chu Yichen has been in contact with a few people in Hong Kong recently, and Gu Xiaoxiao didn't ask what he did, but she felt that it must have something to do with Long Qi.

"Well, I did it." Chu Yichen didn't mean to hide it at all. "The matter has come to an end. I originally wanted to tell you after it was over."

Unexpectedly, let her know in this way. But that's right, so many eyes are staring at him and Ryugasaki Takumi, it is impossible to hide this thing.

"Long Qi is quite quiet, I thought they would make any big moves."

Gu Xiaoxiao had been dealing with the company's affairs for some time before. Ryugasaki Takumi had previously bought their shares in a big way, and also secretly wooed the company's senior directors. But when it was time to exert his strength later, the less he moved, which made Gu Xiaoxiao feel very strange.

Ryugasaki Takumi was not a person who would give up lightly, especially when facing opponents like Chu Yichen, it was even more impossible to actively bow his head and admit defeat.

"He wants to move, but unfortunately there is no chance."

There was something in Chu Yichen's words, which aroused Gu Xiaoxiao's curiosity.

"What do you say? Is there anything happening in Japan?"

Japan is not their territory. Chu Yichen can use all his power to suppress Longqi Company here, but it is impossible on that side.

"The Japanese senior management is also changing recently. I am afraid that life at the Ryugasaki family will not be so easy in the future."

Chu Yichen smiled lightly and talked to Gu Xiaoxiao everything he knew.

Once a monarch and a courtier, Gu Xiaoxiao understood this truth. But having said that, the Ryugasaki family has been rooted in Japan for so many years, do the newcomers really dare to move them?

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