Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1963: Why are you jealous again?

As if seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's doubts, Chu Yichen continued: "They have messed up a lot of things recently. Sometimes in Japan, it depends on the faces of other countries."

"Other countries? Are you talking about us?"

Gu Xiaoxiao can't understand, Japan, South Korea, and the United States, these three countries are generally linked together. But those two countries are unlikely to be involved in this matter.

Chu Yichen rubbed her hair and smiled mysteriously. His response made Gu Xiaoxiao really curious.

After Gu Xiaoxiao's repeated questioning, Chu Yichen was able to say a word. Sure enough, it was another good thing he did.

Gu Xiaoxiao knew about his other identity. He had also helped solve cases in the United States before and met some upper-level figures, but Gu Xiaoxiao had never thought that he really had such courage, and he would really do things so marvelously.

Chu Yichen and An Chenglang, as long as the two people work together, there is basically nothing good.

An Chenglang sneaked into the secret system of a certain country again before and found some interesting and useful secret documents, and moved a little bit on it.

Through this incident, Chu Yichen became a villain who sow discord. In the end, the matter was found on the Long Qi family.

Country M is the gold master of Japan, which is known to the whole world. Therefore, once the Longqi family touched the interests of the owner, then it was a big problem.

Country M is chasing so hard that it must be explained, so Japan can only give them an explanation. This is why the Longqi family has been so peaceful recently, because they dare not get upset, they know there are many things waiting in the future, they have to save themselves.

The front and back flicks made Chu Yichen close his hand quite easily. The shares of Ryugasaki Co., Ltd. he currently holds are basically close to Ryugasaki Takumi. In other words, if you work a little harder, the company can be controlled by him.

After listening to Chu Yichen's words in silence, Gu Xiaoxiao fell into deep thought.

Until now, she sometimes felt that she and Chu Yichen might not belong to the same world. Those things he did, she could only watch from a distance. After working hard for so long, to be honest, he still failed to keep up with his pace. This made Gu Xiaoxiao a little disappointed, but a little happy.

What does it matter? The best man is her husband.

Leaning on Chu Yichen's shoulder, Gu Xiaoxiao did not speak for a while. Chu Yichen turned off the TV and turned his head to look at her.

"What are you thinking about? Thinking about Ryugasaki Takumi?"

"What jealous you are eating again." Gu Xiaoxiao gave him a weak look and shook his head. He clasped his arm tightly and replied in a low voice, "I'm thinking about Zhiying, if she is still alive, she will be very happy."

Su Zhiying died for her. Now Gu Xiaoxiao sometimes still dreams of that scene, dreaming of her falling in her arms.

"Yichen, I want to see her."

"Well, then accompany you tomorrow."

The two chatted for a while, then turned off the lights and rested. The next morning Chu Yichen returned to the company for a meeting. Gu Xiaoxiao was in the hospital, passing the time with Chu Xiaoxi who came to visit her.

"Do you feel today?"

"He is better today." Gu Xiaoxiao touched her stomach and replied helplessly: "I don't know how I feel in the afternoon and whether I will make trouble."

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