A man in a black suit behind the table looked through the documents and smiled cruelly.

"Watch her closely for me, such a cute prey, I don't want to fall into the hands of other hunters."

He opened his mouth with great interest, looked at the men in front of him, and ordered with a cold look.

"It's time to get back the account with C."

"Okay, I understand." The subordinate nodded, "There are people secretly protecting her. I will find a way to solve them first."

"Don't worry, she won't leave so quickly when she comes to school so far. We have more time to play with her slowly."

Wave your hand to let the person in front of you leave. The man in black went to see Li Youran's information again, and the smile at the corner of his mouth disappeared.

C's wife, this alone is enough to make people excited. Coupled with the identity of Jiang Sheng's daughter, if you kill her, no matter what happened before, you won't suffer.

Fingers slowly brushed Li Youran's cheeks, the man's eyes flashed cold, and the nails made a strong mark on her face.

"Little sheep, you took the initiative to run into my hands. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself and your husband..."

Muttered to himself, he closed the information, raised his head and closed his eyes to rest.

The person he loved most died in K's hands, this hatred, he has not had a good night's sleep for a long time.

How should we take revenge? How should we make K feel like losing his favorite. At this moment, he has also been waiting for a long time. Now, he can't wait to meet this little sheep.

He was a person who had to act upon thinking of anything, so soon, he really saw Li Youran.

"You Ran, have you heard that today's professor is newly hired by the school, I heard that he is very handsome."

Li Youran got up in the morning, and just after freshening up, he heard Kristen talk about gossip.

After many days of contact, Li Youran still had some understanding of Kristen. This girl has a very high-sightedness, and the men who usually make her look after are really handsome guys like Chu Yixuan. Therefore, Li Youran did not doubt this gossip about her.

"Who did you hear? To be a professor in our school, you must be quite old, and you must have a wife and a son."

"No, no, I heard that he is only 34 years old and he is not married yet!"

"Isn't you~?! You know such detailed information!"

Li Youran laughed incredibly, and the two chatted in a low voice while walking outside to eat breakfast.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Youran finally saw the handsome and charming professor whom everyone said. After seeing it with his own eyes, Li Youran was completely affirmed of their views.

The men who play art are all kind of yuppies.

Slightly longer hair, slightly curly. The gold-framed glasses on the bridge of the nose can't stop those azure blue eyes that are easily trapped in them.

Li Youran can't help but sigh that the genes of foreigners are really too strong. Every time she saw such beautiful eyes, she couldn't help but look at them more, because they were so beautiful.

Although the professor is young, no one dares to doubt his strength.

Finding a seat up front, Li Youran listened intently to the class. She likes the classroom atmosphere of the school very much, and she also responds positively in class. But she did not expect that she would be the first student to be asked questions in the new classroom of the new teacher.

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