Being named by the other party, Li Youran still didn't get over. He was taken aback, and quickly answered the question he had just asked.

Li Youran's answer seemed to make him quite satisfied. Seeing his mouth raised and nodded, Li Youran's heart also slowly fell.

Fortunately, I didn't shame the Chinese.

She is the only Chinese in the entire class. She is also the only Chinese student admitted to this global enrollment.

As a result, Li Youran was both excited and a little uneasy, because she was not particularly sure whether anyone was helping herself in secret.

Does she really have such great strength? She herself has some doubts.

After a happy class, Li Youran packed up and prepared to leave. At this time, she was named by the professor again.

Under all eyes, Li Youran walked down the steps with a confused look and came to the professor, not knowing what the situation was. Fortunately, the professor just chatted with her casually.

He said that he has always been interested in Eastern culture, and that the two people who came to this school and wrote letters of recommendation for her also made him more interested. So he hoped that Li Youran would have time to prepare two paintings for her.

The letter of recommendation to Li Youran is Shen Linsheng and Shen Qianyun. The thing about Shen Qianyun was only discovered by Li You later. It turned out that when Li Youran followed Professor Susan to Rome, she had already prepared the letter to Susan.

One is a unique and successful businessman, and the other is a well-known painter student who graduated from this school. Li Youran, who both recommended at the same time, will naturally be noticed by others.

After listening to what the professor said, Li Youran was a little nervous. She nodded and left with complicated thoughts, thinking about it even when she went to bed at night.

What does it mean that the professor asked her to prepare two paintings?

Li Youran knows that there are so many foreigners who are prejudiced and look down on the Chinese.

Does the professor want to see her true level, or does he use her paintings to insult her when he thinks of it?

Thinking about it this way, Li Youran's pressure is really great.

Most of the students in the class are very professional, and even some of them have been drawing since they were young. She seems to be the only one who is half-toned like her.

What if she really guessed it, and it's embarrassing then?

After a day of anxiety, Li Youran called Shen Qianyun. This is the first time she talked directly with Shen Qianyun after she came to Rome.

After a short greeting, Li Youran explained the real purpose of the call. Shen Qianyun listened to her carefully and smiled.

"What are you afraid of, he lets you paint, then you can paint for him."

"But grandma, I'm afraid I can't paint well!" Li Youran frowned, "I don't have your strength, what should I do if I am laughed at?"

"If you don't paint well, can he paint well?"

Shen Qianyun's tone made Li Youran want to cry and sniffed. She whispered, "It must be better than me..."

"Don't worry, go and paint boldly." Shen Qianyun smiled and soothed, "You didn't like to paint ink painting very much when you were at home, so prepare two paintings for him. Only the Chinese can paint the charm of Chinese things. He doesn't I hope you will hand in an assignment that is similar to others."

[It’s late, add two more changes. T.T hasn’t had eight changes for a long time]

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