Although Kim is a little weird in dressing, but apart from this, Li Youran doesn't seem to be able to fault him. After several days of contact, she discovered that Kim was actually a good person.

He is more careful, so he can always help when Li Youran forgets nothing. After one or three times, Li Youran felt a little embarrassed.

It was just a month since the school started, and the school organized to go out together to gather the scene. They had to go to a small town nearby and stay there for a week before returning.

It was the first time for Li Youran to participate in this kind of collective activity, and naturally he was extremely excited. The night before departure, I went to sleep slowly until midnight, resulting in yawning the next morning and not waking up at all.

Sitting in the bus, Li Youran deliberately chose a more forward position because she was worried that she would feel sick and uncomfortable.

In addition to the classmates, there are also two professors. One is Susan and the other is James.

The last person in the car surprised everyone. He is Kim.

He was still wearing his messy clothes, and when he was standing at the door of the car, even the driver frowned involuntarily.

He scratched his hair and got into the car, and finally found an empty seat in the corner of the rear of the car. During the two-hour drive, he did not speak to anyone.

These days, judging people by their appearance can be seen everywhere. A person who is beautiful may not explain anything, but a person's appearance is ugly, and he will definitely bring rumors to himself.

Li Youran closed her eyes and rested her mind. She wanted to sleep in the car. Unfortunately, attention was drawn to the conversation between the two behind him.

"Have you heard? The man named Kim is the assistant of the professor. I heard someone saw him kiss a woman on the street forcibly last week and lifted someone's skirt!"

"Really? He has that guts?"

"It's daring, and looking at him, I know he can't be a good person!"

Li Youran frowned and didn't make any statement, but she didn't believe it.

They can even believe the rumors they hear. They are not seven or eight-year-old children, why don't they have any brains at all?

When drowsy, the car reached the end. Li Youran stretched out and looked out the window, and was immediately attracted by the scenery in front of him.

The car stopped outside the gate of a farm. It was the first time for Li Youran to see such a large farm. She got out of the car in surprise and suddenly remembered a lyrics.

There are mountains, waters, and woods...that's what I'm talking about...

Picking up the phone and taking a photo, Li Youran followed the large group of troops inside. She will live here in the next five days.

Going out to collect styles is not an easy task. And as the child in Li Youran's stomach grew older, she found that her appetite became more and more weird.

Some things that I liked to eat before, now look nauseous. The food that I didn't touch before, but now I eat it with relish. And sometimes, she was disgusting.

Thinking of Gu Xiaoxiao's horrible vomiting every day in the early stages of pregnancy, Li Youran was terrified.

Looking at the food in front of him, Li Youran really has no appetite. So I took a piece of bread and gnawed silently, thinking that I could go to town tomorrow anyway, and I would have a good meal at that time.

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