Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1980: Road meets a hooligan

Everyone was communicating, and no one noticed Li Youran's strangeness. Simply filling up her belly, she took a bottle of water and walked outside to breathe. After a while, she heard footsteps coming from behind.

"Are you uncomfortable?" a familiar voice.

Li Youran looked back and found that it was Kim.

"No, why do you ask?" Li Youran answered perfunctorily, smiling at him, "Are you full?"

"Well, I don't think you have anything to eat."

Kim nodded and stood beside Li Youran. Li Youran couldn't see Kim in the daytime, let alone at night.

Looking at his long hair, Li Youran pressed down the words that had already reached his lips.

Forget it, let's not say it. A man's self-esteem is stronger than a woman's. If she suggests that he cut his hair and hurt him, it will be bad.

The conversation ended in this way, and Li Youran felt a little embarrassed when she recovered.

Kim seemed to feel her uncomfortable, and consciously leaned to the side, moving away from her.

"I, I have no ill intentions, I just thought you were sick, so come and care."

"I didn't say you were malicious." Li Youran smiled, thinking that this child should have been hurt by others before. "I really don't have a very good appetite today, so I didn't eat anything. I want to go to town tomorrow to eat something good.

"I know a good restaurant that can take you there."

"Have you been here before?" Li Youran was surprised.

"The school comes here twice a year. I have been Professor James' assistant for three years, so..."

"So that's it." Li Youran nodded, thanked him, and then went back to the room to rest.

After five days of study and life, I can finally relax.

Walking on a small road in a foreign country, Li Youran stopped and stopped, always unable to help recording everything he was here, hoping to share it with family and friends in China.

I was shopping with my roommate Kristen. When I was about to walk, Li Youran came to the restaurant introduced by Kim. This place is quite easy to find, and Kim also carefully drew her a map, making her dumbfounded.

Although it is still a western restaurant, I have to say that it is indeed much better than the farm’s meals. Li Youran ate a satisfying meal, and felt a little sleepy after he was full.

Walking slowly towards the bus station, the three men approaching quickly attracted Li Youran's attention. Because of the sight they projected from, it was really unfriendly.

Being stared at like that, Li Youran felt sick. She thought it was her own delusion at first, but when they stopped Li Youran and K, Li Youran knew that she had encountered a gangster.

It's not that she has never seen a rogue, but this is indeed the first time for a foreign rogue.

Kristen wasn't a girl to provoke either. His chin was slightly raised and looked at the three of them, his eyes were contemptuous, and his tone was the same.

She took Li Youran's hand, trying to walk around. But it was obvious that the three people had no intention of letting them go.

One of them whistled, and the other two began to move.

"Little girl, play with us for a while?"

The frivolous tone is particularly offensive. If Li Youran didn't have children in her belly, she really wanted them to taste her own grandchildren's feet.

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